School Improvement Facilitators Network Session 1 June 10, 11 & June 17,
Introductions – all participants Session Objectives
Targets for Today ASSIST-Inputting Plans and Goals Changes and Recommendations from MDE Collaborative Guided Work Session
Overview Two “levels” of Accountability Scorecards: District Scorecards & School Scorecards Scorecards will use a color coding system (green, lime, yellow, orange, and red) to indicate school performance. Combines traditional accountability metrics with Top-to-Bottom labels and other state/federal requirements. Overall color is determined by Top to Bottom status as well as points earned by meeting traditional AYP requirements. Individual “cells” use red/yellow/green coding scheme Points-based system
An Early Look at Scorecards
Color-Coded Scorecards Colors are given to schools and districts for each “scorecard component” and an overall color. Overall status color is determined using a point- based system from the number of target areas the school/district has met and the school ranking. Decreasing # points received and increasing # targets not met… *These may not be the exact shades utilized in the final scorecard product (still under development).
85% by 2021 Walk through MDE spreadsheet
8 Continuous School Improvement Process Do Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan Plan Develop School Improvement Plan Gather Get Ready Collect School Data Build School Profile Student Achievement Study Analyze Data Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice
9 TrustVisionSkillsResources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs Second Order Change Sabotage Confusion Anxiety Anger Sporadic Change False Starts First Order Change Trust VisionSkillsResources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs Trust Visio n SkillsResources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs TrustVision Skills Resources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs = TrustVisionSkills Resources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs TrustVisionSkillsResources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs TrustVisionSkillsResources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs Trust VisionSkillsResources Action Plan Payoff Shared Values/Beliefs = = = = = = = Ambrose, 1987 “Managing Complex Change Understanding Change
10 Supported by School Data Profile and School Process Rubrics
Online Reporting ©2012 AdvancED11 Ease of reporting More user friendly navigation Point and click (fewer clicks) Reduction of redundant questions One place for multiple reports Addition of Transformation/Turnaround Plan
©2012 AdvancED12
13 Go to: At login screen type in address and password below. Password: password1 Training Site
14 How to Pre-load Diagnostics
15 How to Pre-load Diagnostics
16 How to Pre-load Diagnostics
17 How to Pre-load Diagnostics
19 The Four Goal Steps-Step 1: Goal Name
20 The Four Goal Steps-Step 2: Objective
21 The Four Goal Steps-Step 2: Objective
22 The Four Goal Steps-Step 2: Objective
23 The Four Goal Steps-Step 2: Objective
24 The Four Goal Steps-Step 2: Objective
25 The Four Goal Steps-Step 2: Objective
26 The Four Goal Steps-Step 2: Objective
27 The Four Goal Steps-Step 3: Strategy
28 The Four Goal Steps-Step 3: Strategy
29 The Four Goal Steps-Step 3: Strategy
30 The Four Goal Steps-Step 3: Strategy
31 Adding Goals to a Plan
32 Adding Goals to a Plan
34 Adding Goals to a Plan
35 Adding Goals to a Plan
©2012 AdvancED38 Accessing ASSIST
©2012 AdvancED39 Same login and password!
©2012 AdvancED40 To copy and paste from last years report In two separate internet windows-Log into the MDE-SIMS Copy and paste into appropriate sections of diagnostics
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46 Questions/Comments? Please contact: Susan Townsend Maeghan McCormick Sandy White Michelle Falcon Jennifer Fox Or visit the MDE - School Improvement websiteMDE - School Improvement