Environment and Universal Responsibility Presentation by Kalsang Tsomo (President) Tibetan Womens Association, Toronto, Tibetan Womens Association, Toronto, Ontario Canada All Women Panel Discussion Sept 12 th, 2009
Our Tired Mother Earth
The Paradox of our Age The Paradox of our Age We have bigger houses, but smaller families more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees, but less sense more knowledge, but less judgments more experts, but more problems more medicines, but less healthiness.
We have been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbour. We build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever but have less communication.
We have become long on quantity, but short on quality. These are times of fast food, but slow digestion tall man, but short character steep profits, but shallow relationships. It is a time when there is much in the window, but nothing in the room. - by Dalai Lama
Aware of this? "Peace and the survival of life on earth as we know, are threatened by human activities that lack a commitment to humanitarian values. Destruction of nature and natural resources results from ignorance, greed and lack of respect for the earth's living things.
Taking care of our planet environment is like taking care of our own home. It is our only home. Ecological Responsibility
It is important that each individual realizes the responsibility for preservation of the environment, make it part of daily life, create the same attitude in the family, and spread in the community. Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference.
Increase awareness through education, from kindergarten, the concept of a dialogue about taking care of the environment should be part of their life through education.
Promotion of human values and religious harmony is needed in order to take care of humanitys inner environments.
Ultimately, the decision to save the environment must come from the human heart. Genuine sense of universal responsibility that is based on love, compassion and clear awareness.
Safe and clean environment is a human right like any other rights. It is therefore part of our responsibility. We have the capability and the responsibility to act before it is too late. We should be wise to be selfish.
May Peace Prevail on Earth
Thank you in saving our Earth
Resource (From "Humanity and Ecology", © 1988, The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama)