The Mission Statement of Primerica We help families earn more income and become properly protected, debt free and financially independent.
Team Tenacious Mission Statement "Developing leaders that realize their potential of being successful in business, by encouraging a learning, exciting environment and teaching the fundamentals; ultimately being the organization producing financially independent people who give back to their communities."
“If you work on your goals, your goals will work on you!” Jim Martinson PERSONAL Mission Statement “Most people have lost their ability to Dream and Believe in their Dreams!” --“I believe mostly because of their Environments!” “My REAL Mission is to create environments conducive to building self esteem, work on self improvement and ultimately a place that helps people believe in themselves! “ALL things are possible through Christ who strengthens us!” -Philippians 4:13 “If you work on your goals, your goals will work on you!” “Dreams Do Come True!”
Team Tenacious Constitution We the teammates of TEAM TENACIOUS agree to be entirely positive at all times, especially when we don’t feel like it. We will encourage others toward success by pushing people up. We will run our business in a compliant manner full of integrity, having zero tolerance for any unprofessional acts. We promise to develop our strengths and work on our weaknesses. We will incorporate self-improvement on a daily basis and we will have an atmosphere of unity and support of all teammates. We agree to fight through the end to accomplish the goals we set and the dreams we desire. As a team focused on growing; we will find the burning passion that moves each of us toward success and encourage others to achieve greatness. Abiding by our philosophy, “You don’t have to learn to be great, you just have to be reminded that you already are!”
Our Motto “UNTIL…………………”
Upcoming Events Mark your Calendars See Registration Forms!
John Maxwell Leadership Classes -- 8:30 am - 10am Every Friday! (Unless otherwise notified) NEW CLASS ..."LEADERSHIP GOLD" @ Brookfield Office We also broadcast on Gotomeeting… 1. Login by clicking: https://global.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join/705089455 Or 2. Dial in using your telephone. 1 (832) 999-1001 Access Code: 705-089-455
Upcoming Scheduled LINCOLN Webinars: (see your email for FUZE link) Friday, May 30 - 8am – 8:30am Lincoln Webinar Friday, June 20 - 8am – 8:30am Lincoln Webinar Friday, July 11 - 8am – 8:30am Lincoln Webinar
Friday/Saturday, July 25 & 26 Annual Compliance Meeting & Product Day in Green Bay CHANGE TO: Friday/Saturday, July 25 & 26 Please Note Date Change because of Chicago Event! CHANGE TO- Friday/Saturday, July 25 & 26 – Annual Compliance & Golf in Green Bay – See Registration Form
Midwest Builders Summit – Chicago Guest Speakers: Joe and Martine Tansey, New Jersey WHEN: Saturday, July 19, 2014 TIME: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. WHERE: The Westin, Chicago North West 400 Park Boulevard Last 12 Months CASHFLOW $704,474.00 Joe and Martine Tansey - BUSINESS STATS YTD Numbers: (as of 5/5/2014) 91 Base Shop Recruits $84,188 Base Shop Premium (152 cases) CASHFLOW $205,235.00 YTD Itasca, Illinois 60143 Telephone: 630-773-0132 !!!REGISTRATION DEADLINE: June 30, 2014 TICKETS: $25 Per Ticket, OR $20 each if you buy a pack of 5 (All Tickets include box lunch!) Here is the link to Purchase Tickets: http://events.signup4.com/JulySummit
MORE INFORMATION WILL FOLLOW!!! STATEWIDE Business Training School Friday, September 19th, 2014 1 – 4pm Leadership Mtg—ALL Serious Leaders – FT & PT 5pm - Special Dinner (TBA) 7pm – SPECIAL EVENT (TBA) MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW! Both days at: Midway Motor Lodge 1005 S. Moorland Rd. Brookfield, WI Saturday, September 20th, 2014 Gary & Coletta Martin 623 YTD Recruits! $656,000 YTD Premium! $7.9 Million in YTD Securites! 143 A & H Sales YTD! $877,000 TEAM CASH YTD! $410,000 Personal Cash – Last 12 months! Featuring: Also: 100k Superstars * Karl Casper, SNSD * Jim Martinson, NSD * Jeramiah Housworth, RVP * Mike & Ann Parker, RVP 8:00am - VOLUNTARY (Anyone) Beyond the Business Meeting. 9am – 4pm – EVERYONE MORE INFORMATION WILL FOLLOW!!!
Company Incentives Payoff dates: La Costa Contest Payoff- PHASE I: August 12-16, 2014 PHASE II: August 15-19, 2015 PHASE III: August 18-22, 2015 El Conquisidor Contest Payoff- PHASE I: February 10-13, 2015 PHASE II: February 13-16, 2015 PHASE III: February 16-19, 2015
Massive May DOUBLE DIP for TWO Trips: La Costa and El Conquistador! Rack up an extra 25,000 Builders Premium Points toward BOTH TRIPS in May! Future RVPs: Recruit 3 (of which 1 must be personal)2 RVPs: Double-digit recruit and grow recruits May 2014 over May 2013 PLUS once you qualify for the extra 25,000 Builders Premium Points, EVERY recruit in May counts TRIPLE! (3,000!)
Set Your Sights on the El Conquistador Puerto Rico… the “Island of Enchantment” Qualification Period: May — November 2014 Based on Builders Premium Points1 = Premium + (Recruits2 X 1,000) + (Life Licenses x 10,0003) + (Securities Licenses x 20,0004) + (Initial Securities Trades x 1,000) during the Qualification Period.
The El Conquistador Senior Leadership Slots Total RVPs 725 RVP & Above at 1st 50 RVP & Above 625 Cash Flow5 50 Total RVPs 725 Minimum cash flow requirement for RVPs & Above: average of $4,000 monthly cash flow. Minimum premium requirement for RVPs & Above: average of $5,000 monthly base shop premium. 19
The El Conquistador Start Competition Below RVP Slots New RVPs (advanced on or after June 7, 2014) 75 Future RVPs (Regional Leaders) 150 Future Regional Leaders 142 Newly Licensed (on or after June 7, 2014) 25 Total Below RVP 392 Minimum cash flow requirement during the Qualification Period: for New RVPs: average of $2,000 monthly cash; for Future RVPs: average of $1,500 monthly cash. Minimum premium requirement during the Qualification Period: for New RVPs: average of $2,500 monthly base shop premium; for Future RVPs: average of $1,000 monthly personal premium; for Future Regional Leaders and Newly Licensed: average of $1,000 monthly personal premium.
The El Conquistador Product Categories6 Slots Life Premium — Personal 25 — RVP Base Shop 125 Total Securities Volume — Personal 25 — RVP Base Shop 80 — at 1st 10
The El Conquistador Product Categories6 Slots LTC Issued Premium — RVP Base Shop 3 Auto & Home — RVP Base Shop 5 PLPP/PPLS — RVP Base Shop (cases) 5 Total Loan Volume — RVP Base Shop 5 Total Product 283 Minimum cash flow requirement for all product categories: average of $1,500 monthly cash flow. Total Slots 1,400
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