Collaborative learning in Semantic Web-based education Jozef Tvarožek
Introduction Computer-supported Collaborative Learning: Coordinated synchronous activity of a group of learners resulting from their continued attempt to construct and maintain a shared conception of a problem (Rochelle and Teasley, 1995) Collaborative vs. Cooperative Does not guarantee success!
Research paradigms Effects: Neither effective nor ineffective Conditions: Group composition, medium, etc. Child-Adult vs. Child-Child Interactions: Which interactions appear under which conditions? What effects do they have?
What it looks like in real?
Ontology of collaborative learning Behavior and roles of learners Types of interaction Conditions for initiating collaboration Group formation framework Learning goal ontology Negotiation ontology
Group formation Opportunistic Group Formation (OGF): Personal agents negotiate and manage Trigger (impasse, review, etc) Negotiation: Opinion exchange, persuasion, compromise, agreement Learning goals: Individual, interaction-supportive, social, group
Collaborative interactions How to identify efficient interactions? Participation Social grounding Active learning conversation skills Performance analysis and group processing Promotive interactions Promoting efficient interactions
Proposed method? Opportunistic collaboration driven by user feedback Social graph exploration User characteristics Methods for optimizing: Individual benefit Total payoff
References Inaba, A., T. Supnithi, M. Ikeda, R. Mizoguchi, and J.i. Toyoda. How Can We Form Effective Collaborative Learning Groups? Proc. of ITS, Montréal, Canada, 2000, pp Roschelle, J., and Teasley, S., 1995, The construction of shared knowledge in collaborative problem solving, in: Computer- Supported Collaborative Learning, C. O'Malley, ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp Soller, A.L., 2001, Supporting social interaction in an intelligent collaborative learning system, Internatoonal Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 12:54-77.
That’s all folks!