l’Infra, une activité au cœur de la SNCF INFRASTRUCTURE French Highspeed on South East TGV line: 25 years of evolution Jean-Paul BALENSI Vice-president of Operation System and Safety Division SNCF EURAILSPEED 2005 Milano, 7-9 November 2005
l’Infra, une activité au cœur de la SNCF 1 Introduction First French HSL was open in 1981/1983 on Paris – Lyon route. General lines scheme:
l’Infra, une activité au cœur de la SNCF 2 Building the first HSL: a bet for the National Railway Company SNCF A French strategic and economical choice in order to revitalize railway passenger traffic. Evolution of passenger traffic flows and modal market shares: TGV / AIR Market Shares between Paris and Lyon
l’Infra, une activité au cœur de la SNCF 3 Building the first HSL: a bet for the National Railway Company SNCF (2) A completely new technical environment and a major investment for SNCF: new dedicated infrastructure, new signalling system, new type of rolling stock. Investment costs:
l’Infra, une activité au cœur de la SNCF 4 How to ensure safety running at 300 km/h? Adapting infrastructure to highspeed: Enclosed line and no level crossing Wider distance between tracks Either-direction working tracks
l’Infra, une activité au cœur de la SNCF 5 How to ensure safety running at 300 km/h? (2) The cab-signal: a specific on-board system for highspeed. Scheme of TVM 300 et TVM 430 stopping sequences: TVM 430 system TVM 300 system
l’Infra, une activité au cœur de la SNCF 6 How to ensure safety at 300 km/h? (3) Co-operation between SNCF and ALSTOM to build the TGV, a rolling stock designed for HSL. Specificities of a TGV train-set:
l’Infra, une activité au cœur de la SNCF 7 How to ensure safety at 300 km/h? (4) A new dedicated maintenance organisation: No commercial traffic during the night, Massive organisation with dedicated maintenance technical means along the line,(extension of this organisation to conventional lines as more efficient and profitable), Set up of a « sweeping train » with speed limit at 160 km/h every morning after maintenance works and before the first commercial train A centralized dispatching centre grouping train operation and power supply management Adapting safety rules to a new environment: Implementing temporary operating safety rules to be progressively included in general rules Specific measures to be taken in case of incidents on rolling stock Specific procedures to be followed in case of infrastructure incidents
l’Infra, une activité au cœur de la SNCF 8 Results in terms of safety and regularity
l’Infra, une activité au cœur de la SNCF 9 For-coming evolution on Paris-Lyon HSL Paris-Lyon HSL is the first piece of the French current highspeed network Passenger demand is still increasing on this route The opening in 2001 of HSL continuation until Marseille brought more trains on the line section between Paris and Lyon New HSL projects connected with this route will also bring more trains The consequence is a lack of capacity on the Paris-Lyon route
l’Infra, une activité au cœur de la SNCF 10 Solutions to increase line capacity Increasing rolling stock capacity: TGV Duplex (double-deck) offers +40% seats Modifying train graphic in order to add paths and using ERTMS level 2 combined with current TVM system it is the solution retained for the future Eastern HSL Paris- Frankfurt)
l’Infra, une activité au cœur de la SNCF 11 Thank you for your attention!