Chubbuck Elementary Panthers Maximizing learning for all students Whatever It Takes!
Demographics 620 students 3 to 4 rooms per grade level K-2 = 4 rooms 3-6 = 3 rooms
Student Engagement Data Average daily attendance98% After school strings4% STAR Tutor Program6% Students Seeking Success12% Extended Reading5% Early Morning Reading8% Public Library Partnership/ Summer Reading Program29%
Goal Highlights Benchmark Assessments Grade Level 6 Week Assessments Assessment Boxes Fall, Winter, and Spring District Assessments Consistent Curriculum and Planning Standard Probes Center Activities and Pacing Mentoring New Staff Professional Learning Communities Vertical Alignment Flexible Grouping Kindergarten Center Groups 1 st and 2 nd Grade Reading Groups 3rd Grade Skills Groups 4 th Grade Vocabulary Instruction 4 th, 5 th, and 6 th Grades ISAT Prep
Goal Highlights (Continued) Student Support Students Seeking Success Reading Aides (Smiths Earn and Learn $7,200 & Walmart Kids Recycling Challenge $ 1,100!) Focus on Tier II Instruction Extended Reading Lexia and Soar to Success STAR Tutors 3 rd Grade Skill Grouping Title I Parent Education Title I Nights - Title I and classroom teachers Parent Volunteers -(Denise Bell – VISTA Volunteer) Chubbuck School Website
Goal Highlights (Continued) Staff Development Title I Reading Coach Six Week Collaboration (Grades K-6) Facilitation of 1 st Grade Team Planning 2 nd Grade Reading Program Planning 3 rd Grade Fluency Program Implementation SIOP I course SIOP II book study Special Education Team Monthly Collaboration Intervention Team Meeting (Title I and Special Ed Staff) Instructional Assistants Highly Qualified (all staff passed the test on the 1 st try)
ISAT Reading Benchmarks Chubbuck Scores Math Benchmarks Chubbuck Scores Language Benchmarks (Reading score at or above previous year) Chubbuck Scores
DMA th Grade th Grade DWA th Grade Consistently above District and State averages
IRI K123 Spring (Percent proficient per grade level)
This is what makes Chubbuck work: 56 Fantastic Staff Members Active Parents 620 Awesome Kids
Parent Survey Does Chubbuck encourage you to be involved in your child’s education? Yes - 100% No - 0% Do you feel welcome at Chubbuck?Yes - 100%No - 0% How do you get most of your information about school? Newsletter 83%Children – 76% Teacher – 72% Friends – 14% Principal – 6% Have you attended Title One parent workshops in the past? Yes - 37%No - 53%10% said "No, but I intend to” Which times work best for you for parent workshops? 3-4pm - 23% 4-5pm - 13% 5-6pm - 21% 6-7pm - 49% What types of parent workshops are you interested in? Reading – 57% Math – 56% Summer Reading– 49%Homework – 39% Others included: bullying, language, writing, and specific problems areas
Kid Quotes Interviews done by sixth graders *I think Chubbuck is cool because it is very safe. *I love recess. *Teachers make Chubbuck the best. *The teachers are nice. *P.E. and walking a lot makes Chubbuck the best. *All the payoffs rock. *Learning makes Chubbuck the best. *I liked the magician payoff. *Good toys and food make Chubbuck the best. *I like Mrs. Herdt as the principal. *I like to do programs at Chubbuck School. *I like to learn at Chubbuck School.
Chubbuck Shines