© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace PACER Center Session 3 ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 1 Agenda Welcome & Introductions ADA Employment basics Disclosure Definitions: Essential Functions, Reasonable Accommodations & Undue Hardship Examples of Job Accommodations Case Studies Exploring the Mediation Process Assessing Transportation Options Resources
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 2 Title I - Employment Employment provisions apply to: Private employers State and local governments Employment agencies Labor unions
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 3 Title I – Employment (Cont.) Employment provisions do not apply to: Employers with fewer than 15 workers The U.S. government (the federal government is covered under the 1973 Rehabilitation Act) Indian tribes, or Private membership clubs
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 4 Employment Practices Covered Under the Law Recruiting and advertising Compensation and fringe benefits Tenure and leave Promotion and advancement Hiring Training Transfers and lay-offs Firing
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 5 - Title I - Qualified Person with a Disability An individual with a disability who can: Satisfy the required skills, experience and education for the desired or held position and Perform the “essential functions” of the position, with or without “reasonable accommodations”
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 6 Title I - Definitions Essential Job Functions: These are the tasks that are fundamental and necessary to perform a given position They do not include marginal duties
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 7 Title I - Definitions (Cont.) Reasonable Accommodation: This is any change an employer makes which enables a qualified person with a disability to: - Have equal opportunity in the selection process -Perform the essential functions of the job -Enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 8 Title I - Definitions (Cont.) Reasonable Accommodations include: Providing or modifying equipment Making facilities accessible and removing barriers Providing readers and sign language interpreters
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 9 Title I - Definitions (Cont.) Reasonable Accommodations include: Modifying exams and training materials Changing work schedules
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 10 What are NOT Reasonable Accommodations Creation of a new position Transfer to a different supervisor Reassignment of essential functions Non-adherence to policy and procedure Violent or abusive behaviors
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 11 Issues Courts Say are NOT a Reasonable Accommodation “The disability made me do it” “I’ll be back to work….eventually….” “Accommodate me by promoting me” “You say this job function is important, but let’s eliminate it” “This is the only accommodation I will accept”
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 12 Title I - Definitions (Cont.) Undue Hardship: When an accommodation would require “significant difficulty or expense” to the employer, such as: - The size of the business operation - The financial resources of the employer
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 13 Title I - Definitions (Cont.) Undue Hardship (Cont): The cost of the accommodation, The cost of the accommodation in relation to the size of the business and its resources, The alteration to the employer’s business or the changes in the delivery of services, and The disruption to other workers
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 14 Reasonable Accommodations: Seven Step Process 1.Determine if the youth has a disability that is covered under the ADA. 2.Determine if the youth is a “qualified” individual under the ADA. 3.Determine the disability’s impact or functional limitations as they pertain to the job. 4.Determine (with the youth) what accommodation(s) are needed.
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 15 Reasonable Accommodations: 7 Step Process (Cont.) 5.Determine if the accommodation will create an undue hardship if provided. 6.Implement the accommodation. 7.Determine if it is effective - Follow Up.
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 16 Transportation Solutions: Questions to Consider When assisting a youth with a disability to find transportation for job purposes, these are areas to consider. Does the youth: Own a vehicle and have a driver’s license? Have access and capabilities to use mass transit? Have access to paratransit or other transportation services?
© 2004 PACER Center Building Program Capacity to Serve Youth with Disabilities Session 3: ADA – Title I, Employment & Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace: Slide 17 Transportation Solutions (Cont.): Questions to Consider Does the youth: Meet eligibility requirements for programs that help pay for transportation (i.e. reduced fares; or Social Security Work Incentives such as PASS Plans)?) Have car pooling & employer resources available? Know someone who could drive them? (e.g. family, friends, neighbors, roommate)