Clothing I can say the Spanish words for items of clothing. Click on the shirt to go to the next page.
Match the clothing with the Spanish words un vestido un traje de baño un pantalón corto una camiseta una camisa un sombrero unos calcetines Use whiteboard pen to join the picture with the vocabulary.
Match the clothing with the Spanish words una falda un pantalón una chaqueta un sombrero unos zapatos una camisa
Guess The Spanish
Guess which item of clothing is hidden under each box.
What are you wearing? ¿Qué llevas? I am wearing – Llevo Can you explain to your friend what you are wearing today? Can you explain what your friend is wearing? Describe an outfit in Spanish and ask your friend to draw a picture of you wearing the outfit. You draw it too and then compare. amarillo – yellowYou can use colours too. Rojo – red, azul – blue, verde – green, amarillo – yellow, negro - black, blanco – white, rosa - pink, naranja - orange, morado – purple, gris – grey. Practice Role Play
Clothing Vocabulary una falda - a skirt una chaqueta - a jacket un pantalón corto - shorts una camiseta - a t-shirt un traje de baño - a swimming costume unos calcetines - socks un vestido - a dress una camisa - a shirt unos zapatos - shoes un sombrero - a hat un pantalón - a pair of trousers