UN Inter-Agency Outreach Mission Norway, May 2012 UNFPA United Nations Population Fund 1
UNFPA is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. What is UNFPA? 2
Created in 1973 Presence in 150 countries & territories Positions worldwide: 2744 Total International Professional (IP) posts: 738 IP Gender statistics: 51% Female and 49% Male Budget: $1.7B estimated income 2012/13 Biennium Who we are 3
What does UNFPA do? UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes 4
200 million women do not have access to safe and reliable family planning methods. UNFPA is a leader in helping countries to reach the goal of Universal access to family planning methods! That every pregnancy is wanted… 5
Every day 1000 women die in pregnancy or childbirth. Many others are harmed by childbearing injuries. UNFPA helps women to enjoy the right to give birth safely! That every birth is safe… 6
UNFPA works to promote gender equality, the status of women and the involvement of men! That every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect… 7
40% of all new HIV infections worldwide are young people. UNFPA works to scale up HIV prevention efforts while addressing gender inequalities! That every young person is free of HIV/AIDS… 8
Provide medical care & social support for survivors of sexual violence Emergency reproductive health services Provide minimum initial service package (MISP) That the needs of affected population are met in humanitarian crisis… 9 In 2011 approximately 39% COs affected – flood, famine, civil war
Entry opportunities in UNFPA Internships JPO programme UNV volunteers Consultant Roster Current vacancies Website: Employment Opportunities 10
Reproductive/Public Health Maternal Health/Midwifery Population and development/Demography Health Economists Gender/GBV HIV&Aids Monitoring & Evaluation Reproductive Health Commodity Securities Finance Human Resources Information Technologies Audit and Oversight Procurement Media & Communication, Public relations Operations Management Technical Fields Operations Required Profiles 11
Recent “Most needed Profiles”: International Operations Managers Representatives in hardship contexts Reproductive / Maternal Health, Population and Development Advisers, Midwifes Monitoring & Evaluation, Reproductive Health Commodity Securities, Finance, Procurement Professionals Recruitment Trends 12
Doreen Cross Human Resources Specialist UNFPA DHR Thank you! 13