Remittance Advices (RAs) will now be in a PDF format, referred to as WebRAs. Providers will be automatically switched from paper RAs to WebRAs. Providers will be phased in and notified 30 days prior to their implementation date. WebRA Overview
Providers will have to register in order to have access to their WebRAs. A link to the registration site will be available through the Provider Portal. Providers may not receive both paper and WebRAs. Providers may invite non-providers to have access to their WebRAs. WebRAs will be mandatory for hospitals and acute care hospitals – no opting out. WebRA Registration
Providers who do not have Internet access or have limited access may opt out by submitting a Hardship Waiver form 15 days BEFORE their implementation date. Providers may opt out after the mandatory 30-day trial period during implementation. Providers may opt out on the Medicaid website. WebRA Registration
There are two access points for viewing and downloading WebRAs: Arkansas Medicaid Provider Portal External website (Non-Providers) WebRAs will only be available on the website for 35 days. Viewing/Downloading WebRAs
WebRA Screens
Account Document Access Invite Non-Providers Document Library Manage The Main Screen has 5 Links:
WebRA Main Screen
Medicaid Website
Provider Registration Screen
Minimum of 8 characters Contain at least 1 uppercase alpha character Contain at least 1 lowercase alpha character Contain at least one number Contain at least one special Cannot contain the same character more than twice Password Criteria
Logon Screen
Document Library First screen after logging in.
Document Library Select the + in front of the WebRA folder. Folders will display for each type of RA: Medicaid, CMS, DDS. (This example had Medicaid only.)
Select the RA date you wish to view.
Double click the folder with the date of the RA you want to view and the available documents will display in the right panel. Select the icon in download section.
Document Library Click Open to view and print an RA. You may create a folder on your computer and save each RA. Please remember to rename each time when saving your RA to the folder.
WebRA Image
Invite Non-Provider Screen To invite a non-provider, select the Invite Non Provider bar. Enter the EIN with a leading zero and a dash in the third position. Select Lookup. In the next field choose the correct address. Select the box to agree to the terms and click Invite. If the person is not on the lookup list enter the address of the person you want to invite. Select the box to agree to the terms. Select Invite.
You have been invited to view Medicaid Remittance Advice documents by MEDICAL CENTER-SCHOOL, Provider ID: XX. Please make sure this is your correct EIN number: If it is not, request that the provider send another invitation with the correct EIN. Click this link to register (if you haven't already done so).link If the above link does not work, copy and paste this link to your browser's address bar: If you have already registered, please log on to WebRA to accept or decline the invitation. Non-Provider Invitation
Document Access (Provider) Non-providers you have invited and the status XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe
Non-Provider Registration Screen
Document Access (Non-Provider) XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe XXXXXX John Doe Inc. John Doe
Account Screen (Non-Provider)
Provider Invitations (Non-Provider) XXXXXX John Doe Inc. XXXXXX John Doe Inc.
Log on to Medicaid website Select View WebRA Log on to WebRA with your new secure password View/Download WebRAs Invite Non-Providers Contacts WebRA Review
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) The HP Enterprise Services EDI Support Center is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to assist providers with electronic claim submission issues, 997 batch responses, PES software delivery and setup support, software training, and data transmission failures. Toll-free in Arkansas (800) Local or out-of-state (501) Who Do I Contact When I Have a Question about My WebRA?