1 “Second Timothy” “Hold Fast…” “Be Strong…” “Endure Hardship…” 2 Timothy 1:13 – 2:8 Workbook by Reg Ginn Pages “Hold Fast…” “Be Strong…” “Endure Hardship…” 2 Timothy 1:13 – 2:8 Workbook by Reg Ginn Pages Lesson 3
2 A Quick Review of 2 Timothy 1:1-12 Paul’s instructions/exhortations to Timothy: “Stir up the gift of God which is in you…” (1:6) “Share with me in the sufferings for the gospel…” (1:8)
3 “Hold Fast…” 2 Timothy 1:13 “Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me…” (v.13) –“Pattern” means “form” by which one can maintain the sameness of a thing –His preaching must in every way conform to what Paul had taught him earlier –“Sound” means “to be healthy” –Paul’s words were “sound” [healthy] because they were true –All religious practices must have a pattern: salvation, behavior, worship, organization, mission, etc. –If there is no pattern, then it is forbidden
4 “Hold Fast…” 2 Timothy 1:13, 14 “Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me…” (v.13) –Timothy was to do this in faith and love which are in Jesus Christ (v.13) –The “good thing” Timothy had committed to him (v.14) was the gospel, the sound words –It is “kept” [holding fast] by the Holy Spirit who dwells in Christians (v.14) –It “dwells” in us through the inspired word of God
5 “Hold Fast…” 2 Timothy 1:15 “…all those in Asia have turned away from me…” (v.15) –We are not told “why” they turned away from Paul –Phygellus and Hermogenes were specifically mentioned –We know nothing more about these men –They were probably well known by Timothy and the Ephesian church [Asia Minor area] –The “all” mentioned here is in a general sense because he mentioned one who did not turn from him
6 “Lord grant mercy to Onesiphorus…” 2 Timothy 1:16-18 Onesiphorus was from Ephesus (v.16, 2Tim. 4:19) –He was well known to Timothy (v.18) –When he arrived in Rome, he sought Paul out very zealously and found him (v.17) –He often refreshed Paul, and was not ashamed of his chain (v.16) –He had ministered to Paul at Ephesus (v.18) –For a second time, Paul said, “Lord grant to him that he may find mercy from the Lord in that Day” (v.18) –“In that Day” refers to the judgment day since these Christians were not subjected to Jerusalem’s upcoming destruction
7 “Be Strong…” 2 Timothy 2:1, 2 “Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus…” (v.1) –Again, an exhortation to Timothy as “my son” – –Both godliness and strength result from a close contact with the word of God (Acts 20: 32): a. We must accept the Bible as the word of God (1Thes. 2:13); b. We must love its truths enough to seek them out (Eph. 5:17); c. We must reverence its authority and embrace as essential whatever it says (John 12:48,49); d. We must take action in doing whatever it commands
8 “Be Strong…” 2 Timothy 2:1, 2 “Commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others” (v.2) –Those things that Paul taught Timothy was among many witnesses Others could testify as to Paul’s teachings –Paul desired that Timothy teach faithful men who would then teach others the truth This is God’s plan for “passing the torch” from one generation to another
9 “Endure Hardship…” 2 Timothy 2:3-8 Timothy, “you must endure [suffer] hardship [afflictions]” (v.3) –Hardships will come; how Timothy faced them would strengthen him or destroy his usefulness as a gospel preacher –Endurance is “continuing under pain or hardship without being overcome This was the key to victory in his righteous battle –Paul knew from experience what enduring hardship would mean to Timothy He described his in 2Cor. 11:23-28
10 “Endure Hardship…” 2 Timothy 2:3-8 Endure hardship as… –A good soldier of Jesus Christ… (v.3) Not entangled with the affairs of this life, (v.4) That he may please Him who enlisted him –An athlete who must follow the rules if they expect to win (v.5) –The hardworking farmer who is first to partake of his crops (v.6) These examples show the prize is worth the cost, even though the cost be high
11 “Endure Hardship…” 2 Timothy 2:3-8 Endure hardship as… –Timothy, remember that Jesus Christ… (v.8) –Was of the seed of David This was of great importance to the Jews –Was raised from the dead according to my gospel His resurrection was the final proof of His divinity Jesus was the ultimate example of enduring hardships