Graduation 23 June 2010 P.Ramachandra Suzhou
Dignitaries, colleagues and dearest Students, Very pleasant to see you all very happy, relieved and smiling! After two years of hardship and patience, the day which you were working for has finally arrived.
Besides accomplishing A-Level, you have hit the best apples By Best Apples …. I mean best universities.
All apples When each has an apple, some apples do appear more bright and colorful.
Do not think too much.. All apples are plucked from the same tree and are all equally fresh. Enjoy the fruit.
Soon will discover, your apple too is very sweet.
Suzhou In fact, I have almost finished my apple here… It Was very sweet.. indeed!
My years in Suzhou were very satisfying. A teacher’s success is … the students. You were all so good… Good contributors to my life
Have learnt a lot from you How can I forget Shane? Shane’s – Left hand rule Ben’s – Recent Coke can Punch!
My skills were sharpened by … Kelly, Iris, Dobby, Fred April, Chris, Eve, Thomas Ron, Catherine, Tracy Margaret and Shirley sisters.
Have been very good Facilitators Neil, Gladys, Amy, Summer, Fiona Joyce, Lofrenz, Allen, Chen and many more Bright future in business and politics
Stage and Screen Carl, James and Ringol So handsome and talented. Many girls are after you! Hope to see you on screen some day How about Hollywood and Bollywood?
The Best of the Best Pansy, Ellie, Amanda, Cathy Cherry, Franck, Jack, Jason Ken, Melody, Elaine, Jane, John Kevin, Lucy, Sally, Wendy and many others
University and Life University prepares you for a career. Which is the best university? Cambridge….. Oxford ….. Stanford…..?
No. None ! We often do not understand life Life … The life is the biggest university. Keep your life living. Life gives equal opportunity to all.
Whole world today … is converging to K ǒ ng z ǐ (Confucious) Modern businesses Microsoft, Pepsico, ….. are all run on his principles.
K ǒ ng z ǐ 孔子 孔子
Mandate of Heaven “Succession of power On Moral Merits … Not on any lineage”
Today’s businesses are not run directly by investors by a CEO – the chief executive best picked from the community is suggested by K ǒ ng z ǐ almost 1500 years ago on this land.
Some one asked him once… whether there is any simple rule to follow in life He suggested Shu
Golden Rule – Shu What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others
Golden Rule 有一言而可以終身行之者乎? 子曰: “ 其恕乎! 己所不欲、勿施於人。
His temple is right here … Attached…. to our school. Let us all follow his GOLDEN RULE and make this earth a heaven a better place
On Foreign Land You are all going to foreign universities. Spread your Good Bring their Good
Make the World a better Place Better City Better life
Good Luck and
All the best !
Thank You