1 Taking the What is the NSS and why should students take part?
2 What is the NSS? Commissioned by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) on behalf of all the funding bodies** Fully supported by the National Union of Students (NUS) Quick and easy to complete * Some exceptions apply * * Including: Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, Department for Education Northern Ireland, Scottish Higher Education Institutions, Health Education England, National College for Teaching and Leadership and participating private higher education providers. Annual survey of final year* undergraduates across the UK Conducted by Ipsos MORI What is the NSS?
3 What will the NSS ask? A key benchmark of satisfaction, the survey looks at a range of measures about course experience: What will the NSS ask? The teaching on my course Assessment & feedback Academic support Organisation & management Learning resources Personal development Overall satisfaction The NSS also asks students about satisfaction with the Students’ Union
4 How are the results used? The NSS results are made publicly available to help prospective students make informed decisions of where and what to study. How are the results used? The University is provided with the anonymised data to help identify areas where we are doing well, as well as areas for development, for the purpose of improving the student learning experience for future generations of students.
5 How have the NSS results been used by Worcester? As a result of what students have said, the University has made changes. Examples include: How are NSS results used by the University? Free independent studies binding; E-feedback and e-submission; Improved academic tutorial systems; Enhanced induction programmes; Improved access to IT resources, study spaces and e-books; Students involved in approval of courses.
6 How do I take part? Ipsos MORI will send students an inviting participation in the survey during w/c 9 February 2015 Students can also complete the survey at To take part… Responses to the survey are anonymised Contact details used only for the NSS Students who complete the survey online receive £5 credit on their student card and a £5 donation is made to the student hardship fund
7 Maximising completion Help us to encourage all students to complete the survey StARs can help us maximise response rates by working with course leaders to get students to complete the survey – we aim to be one of the universities with the highest response rates
8 Will responses remain private? The NSS respects student privacy and responses will remain confidential: Will student responses remain private? The survey is undertaken independently by Ipsos MORI At no point will students be identified to their institution - your responses to the survey are anonymised Contact details are used only for the NSS
9 To find out more....