Ch2-1. On Language 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 3.0 版授權釋出】 The “Work” under the Creative Commons Taiwan 3.0 License of “BY-NC-SA”. 授課老師:蘇以文 I-wen Su
Human Activity-- to make one understood by another, and to make others understand what was in his mind Wiki Ragesoss
Learn ATM Spanish Learn ATM Spanish Father motivates child to learn Spanish by having her withdraw allowance from ATM.
An instrument of social interactions between human beings, used with the primary aim of establishing communicative relations between speakers and addressees.
Jewish New Year (1994)
What is Language? Language is more than just communication, it is the primary method by which we do things together. Language is the accumulation of shared-meaning - of common ground.
One study at UCLA indicated that up to 93 percent of communication effectiveness is determined by nonverbal cues. Another study indicated that the impact of a performance was determined ◦ 7 percent by the words used ◦ 38 percent by voice quality ◦ 55 percent by the nonverbal communication Linguistic vs. paralinguistic Mehrabian, A Silent messages: Implicit communication of emotions and attitudes.
facial expressions,the clues in our voices ("vocal paralanguage") hand gestures body movements ("kinesics"), touch ("haptics") personal space
Research shows that clues in the nonverbal "channels" of communication (how something is said) are often more important than words alone (what is said). Multicultural differences in body language, facial expression, use of space, and especially, gestures, are enormous and enormously open to misinterpretation
are unwritten and never taught What would a woman react when her personal space is invaded by other people? a. She will ask them to sit somewhere else She will ask them to sit somewhere else b. She will stare at the space "invaders" defiantly, but she will not moveShe will stare at the space "invaders" defiantly, but she will not move c. She will leave, saying nothing to the people who invaded her personal space. She will leave, saying nothing to the people who invaded her personal space
a. I'm scared like a bunny b. I've been hearing things about you c. I'm angryI'm scared like a bunnyI've been hearing things about youI'm angry NTU 王維新 Listen With Your Eyes Tips for Understanding Nonverbal Communication Susan M. Heathfield Susan M. Heathfield
Cartoon: Non-verbal communication Wildt, Chris
HiLo He’s bloody retarded! Mr. High Context Culture V Mr. Low Context Culture ………… (silence) (blah blah blah) NTU 王維新
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
While traveling in another country, an American woman who stayed with a local family was honored by being served the ‘most delicious’ food of the world: a plate of stinky Tofu. Can you guess the country she was visiting?
WorkLicensingAuthor/Source Wiki Ragesoss ation_at_Wikimania_2010_4.jpg 2011/10/4 visited p.7 Mehrabian, A Silent messages: Implicit communication of emotions and attitudes. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth and used subject to the fair use doctrine of the Taiwan Copyright Act Article 50 by NTU OCW NTU 王維新 攝 (2011) NTU 王維新 繪製 (2011)