Chapter 2 - The Crucial Experiment Wolfram, Stephen. A New Kind of Science. Wolfram Media, Inc
how do simple programs behave? Comportamentos do autômatos podem facilmente ser apresentados de maneira gráfica Regras simples produzem resultados complexos
patterns A cell should be black whenever one or two, but not both, of its neighbors were black on the step before.
Rule iterações
Rule 110, 150 steps
Flows in Rule 110!!
observations For our everuday experience has led us to expect that na object that looks complicated must have been constructed in a complicated way... [but...] So what is it that makes our normal intuition fail? The only reasonable way to understand such phenomenon is to expose ourselves to a large number of examples.
Chapter 2 – The Crucial Experiment BC Arts Biology... Esquistossomose ?????