LGBTIQ and Minority Stress Marita Karvinen Roundtable on LGBT Health, Paris
Minority Stress is… 1)chronically high levels of stress caused by minor issues. 2)chronically high levels of stress faced by members of stigmatized minority groups. 3)chronically high levels of stress faced by straight people in gay environments.
How would you feel? That’s so gay! Faggot! Weird… Fucking pedophile Abnormal… Freaking butch! Bloody she- male! Drag dyke… What a tranny… Lezzie!
The causes are… 1) exposure to distal stressors, such as prejudice and discrimination. 2) proximal stressors, such as internalized homo/ bi/ transfobia, concealing one’s identity. 3) not fully known, probably related to genetics.
Minority stress correlates with… 1)A sense of happiness, joy of life and feelings of love. 2) Rumination, anxiety, depression, increased rates of substance abuse, suicide attempts, self- harm, sexual risk-taking behavior, eating disorders, internalized homo/bi/transfobia etc. 3) Cancer and immune dysfunction
Internalized fobias That’s so gay! Faggot! Weird… Fucking pedophile Abnormal… Freaking butch! Bloody she- male! Drag dyke… What a tranny… Lezzie! THIS IS ME!
What to do? 1)Nothing 2)Strenghten coping strategies 3)Create social support 4)Conversion therapy 5)Improve legislation 6)Only the things you are obliged to 7)Normcriticism 8)It’s not my business 9)Raise awareness 10)To do? Sorry, about what?
How about this? Role model Visible Not alone… Capable Ordinary… Competent Worthy of respect Cool! Wonderful! Loving THIS IS ME!
Thank you! Marita Karvinen Acting Secretary General Seta – LGBTI Rights in Finland