To each and every friend of mine I’ll sent a lovely valentine! Be my Valentine
Everybody knows what is St. Valentine’s Day, but do you really know the origin of this famous holiday? Your task is following: Put the story in correct order : 1) As a result Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome 2) St. Valentine died on the 14th of February approximately in 270 B.C. 3) Claudius the Cruel thought that soldiers didn’t go to the war because they didn’t want to leave their families 4) The good Saint Valentine was a priest at Rome in the days of Claudius II 5) After his death the priests made decision to replace pagan holiday Lupercalia and celebrate a new feast in honour of Valentine 6) Despite the law St. Valentine married couples 7) Valentine’s day started in the time of Roman Empire 8)Claudius II offered to beat St. Valentine to death and to have his head cut off 9) Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II Rome was involved in many bloody compaigns
Match two columns of the words Kiss Kiss Arrow Arrow Cupid Cupid Ring Ring Romantic Romantic Valentine Valentine Heart Heart Chocolate Chocolate roses roses Сердце Романтичный Валентин Розы Шоколад Кольцо Стрела Купидон Поцелуй
Unscramble these Valentine’s words: eb mineyrtpa ssikesiucpd galneerd ssroe sweflornoyeh I vloe uyohrtea acdrvode tlhccooaennaeetvli
Symbols of the holiday What do these pictures symbolize? Doves symbolize innocence, they care about each other, that is why they became a symbol of St. Valentine’s Day. Doves are the favourites birds of the Goddess of love Venus Rose is a queen of all flowers, it symbolizes peace and fight, love and forgiveness. It is connected with the Goddess Afrodita. different roses have different meanings He is Venus’s son and he is responsible for love. He has got arrows which hit the hearts of people making the fall in love. There is no more important symbol as a HEART! The heart which was hit by cupid’s arrow became very popular symbol of this holiday!
What do people of different nations do on this holiday!
Would you like to congratulate your nearest and dearest! You can do this with the help of our Valentine’s poems! What is it Love? Love can be beautiful, And Love can be killing. What is it Love? Love is a Feeling. What is it Love? Love can be beautiful, And Love can be killing. What is it Love? Love is a Feeling. My heart to you is given Oh do give yours to me We'll lock them up together My heart to you is given Oh do give yours to me We'll lock them up together And throw away the key And throw away the key My teacher's very special, So I'm making her a heart. A Valentine that's sure to be A proper work of art. I've worked on it all morning, So it should be ready soon. I'd like to slip it on her desk Before this afternoon. It's colored in with crayons, And it's trimmed with paper lace It has flowers hearts, and Cupids. I can't wait to see her face.
Happy Valentine’s Day!