Warsaw 2015
Wędkarski Świat Angling is the most popular hobby in Poland. Anglers constitute 6,4% of Polish population it is people.
Wędkarski Świat Our average circulation consists of ; it is controlled by Związek Kontroli Dystrybucji Prasy ( ZKDP). We occupy second place in regard of selling our copies after „Wędkarski Świat”. Each our magazine is read by 6 people on average.
Wędkarski Świat We are a young and dynamic monthly magazine which deals with issues of ecology, tourism and angling itself. We cooperate with the most professional writers. We provide our readers with the greatest number of angling and natural photos. We fight for the preservation of the natural environment and protection of the Polish nature.
Wędkarski Świat Readership (CCS): 1,24% PRESS according to SMG/KRC CCS – The seasonal newspaper Readership Cycle –an arerage reading during six months
Wędkarski Świat The biggest Polish distributors sell our magazine: Ruch SA Kolporter SA Pressmarket Garmond As well as shops and wholesale compamies which sell fishing equipment Through these distributors our monthly magazine is sold in retails outlets
Wędkarski Świat The sale of A monthly magazine „ The Angling World” the geographic structure -the percentage rate Province sale% 1.dolnośląskie7,01 2.kujawsko-pomorskie4,62 3.lubelskie5,08 4.lubuskie4,09 5.małopolskie4,17 6.mazowieckie21,08 7.opolskie2,85 8.podkarpackie3,86 9.podlaskie2,01 10.pomorskie 5,25 11.śląskie9,33 12.świętokrzyskie 1,83 13.warmińsko-mazurskie 3,00 14.wielkopolskie 10,20 15.zachodniopomorskie 5,90 16.prenumerata, itp..9,32 17.export 0,40
Wędkarski Świat 66,7% of our readers make use of the published advertisements in our monthly magazine while shopping
Wędkarski Świat our references (companies beyond the field of anglind): Mercedes; JEEP; Knorr; NTT; Ford; Yamaha; Honda Motor Co; Honda Marine; Bayer; Johnson; Novartis; WWF; Lowrance; Garmin;Kompania Piwowarska; Browary Tyskie.