Hearing God’s Voice P5
Relationship is the key We need to be Childlike A Humble Approach A Simple Trust Glory to God
What happens when you hear nothing? Luke 1:5-25 Zechariah and Elizabeth. ‘I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.’ Genesis 12:3 Zechariah means ‘Yahweh remembers.’
When I find myself in this situation how do I move forward? Consider how God is preparing your life Before God works on your problems, He wants to work on you.
Noah works on building the ark for nearly 100 years before it ever starts raining. Abraham waits 25 years after God promises him a son before Isaac is born. Moses herds sheep in the wilderness for 40 years before God speaks to him at the burning bush.
Comprehend how God speaks to your life. The prayers of God’s people, rising up to heaven. To shield the priest from God’s presence, so he would not die.
Clarify how God evaluates your life. What made John’s life great? He lived a life fuelled by the Holy Spirit’s power. He preached a message that was life-changing V17 ‘And He will go before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah’
Contemplate God’s plan for your life. V18 ‘How can I be sure of this?’ For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1: 37
When you are waiting on God how do you respond? Consider Comprehend Clarify Contemplate