PLAAFP: Activity #1 Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Isabel A review of informal checklist of social/emotional skills,


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Presentation transcript:

PLAAFP: Activity #1 Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Isabel A review of informal checklist of social/emotional skills, indicate that Isabel is very social and loves to spend time with friends. When required to complete difficult tasks, Isabel often avoids these tasks by talking with her friends, and it often takes 5-10 verbal prompts to get Isabel to begin the task. Once she begins, she almost always completes the tasks. When she is upset, she exhibits extreme emotions: uncontrollable crying, yelling out, and occasional anger, approximately 5 times per week (according to parental and teacher report). This inhibits her progress in the general curriculum, as she needs direct instruction in social skills.

PLAAFP Component PLAAFP Statement 1. Data-based student specific information about the student’s current academic achievement and functional performance Informal checklist of social/emotional skills, parent and teacher report 2. Strengths of the student Very social, loves to spend time with her friends 3. Needs resulting from the disability Difficulty beginning tasks, demonstrates extreme emotions when upset 4. Effects of the disability on involvement and progress in the general education curriculum Inhibits progress in general curriculum, requires direct instruction

Anthony Present Level of Education Performance: A review of curriculum based measures indicate that Anthony, a ninth grade student, can read 150 words per minute of connected text with 100% accuracy, which is within the range of words per minute established for typical peers in the fifth grade. Anthony demonstrates a relative strength in determining the meaning of unknown words by reading words in context and applying word structures (prefix, base words, suffix). Anthony’s difficulties with reading fluently affect his ability to focus on the details of reading passages/assignments, which affects his ability to comprehend grade level content area subjects.

PLAAFP Component PLAAFP Statement 1. Data-based student specific information about the student’s current academic achievement and functional performance Curriculum based measures 2. Strengths of the student Determines the meaning of unknown words by reading words in context and applying word structures 3. Needs resulting from the disability Reading fluently for comprehension 4. Effects of the disability on involvement and progress in the general education curriculum Affects his ability to comprehend grade level content area subjects.

Herbie  As a table group, use the Teacher Input for Developing PLAAFP to: Develop a PLAAFP Develop a PLAAFP Write Annual Goal(s) Write Annual Goal(s)

Herbie Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Based upon classroom informal math assessment, Herbie can add and subtract with positive integers to solve one step equations. Based on class assignments, Herbie can identify 2 dimensional figures and solve for perimeter and area for squares, rectangles, and triangles. He cannot compute negative integers or solve multistep equations. Herbie cannot identify 3 dimensional figures or compute volume. These skill deficits impact his ability to apply his knowledge to the algebra curriculum. Annual Goal: Herbie will solve addition and subtraction problems with negative integers with 80% accuracy. Annual Goal: Given three dimensional figures, Herbie will compute the volume for a cube, sphere, cylinder, and cone on 4 of 5 attempts.