Review Three Stages: 1.‘Know’ your new identity. a)Crucified with Christ. b)Buried with Him. c)Raised to a new life. 2.‘Reckon’ yourself dead to sin, and alive to God. 3.‘Offer’ yourself to God.
Training For Righteousness Our Focus: Character Character is what brings true activity in the Kingdom of God; not controlled behavior. We need changed/transformed character.
The Three Pillars of Spiritual Growth
Pillar 1 The Activity of the Holy Spirit. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. - John 14:26
Pillar 2 Ordinary Events of Life: 'Temptations/Trials’ Sickness Unemployment Famine War Tragedy Living with spouse Car trouble
Pillar 3 Planned Discipline to Put on a New Heart
Examples Can’t stand someone that you work with. You avoid them; wish harm upon them; gossip about them. 1.The Action of the Holy Spirit: a)You acknowledge God’s presence, and confess that you cannot do this alone. b)You offer yourself to God, as one alive from the dead. c)You, along with God, set the proper goal=character transformation.
Examples 2.Ordinary Events of Life: ‘Temptations/Trials’ a)You do not run from the situation, but rather, recognizing it as God’s training ground, you consider it ‘pure joy’. b)You humbly, along with God’s help, comprehend the areas that you need to change. Need to look forward to seeing them; seek their well being; want them to succeed; bless them when you are with them and when you are not with them.
Examples 3.Planned Discipline to Put on a New Heart a)Prayer- commit to praying for the person, that they would be blessed with the knowledge of Christ, and yourself as well. b)Bless them daily. c)Memorization- James 3:9-12 d)Meditation- Upon God’s perspective. e)Confession to the person wronged. (if they are aware of it.)
Examples You easily loose your temper with your spouse and/or children. 1.The Action of the Holy Spirit: a)You acknowledge God’s presence, and confess that you cannot do this alone. b)You offer yourself to God, as one alive from the dead. c)You, along with God, set the proper goal=character transformation.
Examples 2.Ordinary Events of Life: ‘Temptations/Trials’ a)You do not run from the situation, but rather, recognizing it as God’s training ground, you consider it ‘pure joy’. b)You humbly, along with God’s help, comprehend the areas that you need to change. Need to be patient with them; never raise your voice; put their needs before your own; love them as Christ loves the church.
Examples 3.Planned Discipline to Put on a New Heart a)Pray b)Silence and Solitude c)Memorize James 1:28,29 d)Meditate upon God’s Perspective e)Together with God, find the root of the problem. f)Train yourself to always run your words past God before you speak them.
Other Disciplines (not exhaustive) fasting worship service submission study reading secrecy simplicity frugality
Some possible areas of training: Anger Selfishness Submission (marriage) Contentment (Anxiety) Loving Unconditionally (mainly in the context of marriage) Greed Pride
Homework 1.Learn the Three Pillars very well. 2.Memorize 1 st Timothy 4:7,8 or 1 st Corinthians 9:24,25
Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. – 1 st Timothy 4:7,8 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. - 1 st Corinthians 9:24,25
Homework 1.Learn the Three Pillars very well. 2.Memorize 1 st Timothy 4:7,8 or 1 st Corinthians 9:24,25 3.Pick an area to train for and let me know via . 4.Continue to practice the Three Stages. (don’t confuse Three Stages/Three Pillars) You need to learn both of these very well.