Management of Quality in the Context of NQF „National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and Quality Assurance (QA) in Europe – a general overview“ Dr. Heinz-Ulrich Schmidt, FIBAA, Bonn (Germany)
Content 1. The development of NQF 2. What is a Qualifications Framework? 3. 10 steps in developing a national qualifications framework 4. Current situation regarding NQF in Europe 5. Quality assurance o Implementation of internal quality assurance systems in accordance with ESG o Stage of development of external quality assurance systems 6. Summary
10 steps Decision to start: Taken by the national body responsible for higher education Setting the agenda Organising the process: Identifying stakeholders; setting up a committee/WG 4. Design profile: Level structure, Level descriptors (learning outcomes), Credit ranges 5. Consultation: National discussion and acceptance of design by stakeholders Approval: According to national tradition by Minister/Government/legislation
10 steps (continued) Administrative set-up: Division of tasks of implementation between HEI, QAA and other bodies Implementation at institutional/programme level; Reformulation of individual study programmes to learning outcome based approach Inclusion of qualifications in the NQF; Accreditation or similar (cfr. Berlin Communiqué) Self-certification of compatibility with the EHEA framework (Alignment to Bologna cycles etc.);
Content 1. The development of NQF 2. What is a Qualifications Framework? 3. 10 steps in developing a national qualifications framework 4. Current situation regarding NQF in Europe 5. Quality assurance Implementation of internal quality assurance systems in accordance with ESG Stage of development of external quality assurance systems 6. Summary
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