Cultural Competency- Basis for Quality


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Presentation transcript:

Cultural Competency- Basis for Quality Veronica Kelley, LCSW Cultural Competency Officer SBC DBH/OCCES ROP Training July 13, 2010

What is Cultural Competency? Providing services in a way that makes sense to the person/s you are providing it to. Culture: Any group that shares beliefs, values, norms Competent: Ability to do… Congruent set of practice skills, knowledge, behaviors, attitudes & policies that come together in a system, agency or among providers and pros that enables that system to work effectively cross culturally- Cross et al, 1989

Cultural Competency It is the right thing to do Services aren't quality if they aren't culturally appropriate It is also the law

Cultural Competency regulations Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 “no person in the United States shall on the ground of race, color or national origin be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance” (42 U.S.C. 200d) Also prohibits recipients of federal funds from providing services to LEP persons that limited in scope or lower in quality than those provided to others.

Cultural Competency regulations Executive Order 13160- Non discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation and the status as a parent in Federally conducted Education and Training programs California Educational Code 221.5-231.5- Sex Equity in Education 8230-8233- Migrant Children Education 8850.5-Family relationships and Parenting Education* 1300-CA. Public Civil Liberties Act* Directly stated education on family /parenting must address cultural issues Ensures historically correct education on Executive Order 9066- Japanese Internment

San Bernardino ROP

San Bernardino general

Consider Cultural Impact of families/Living Situation on Students

Caucasian Family values can be varied Majority culture American education system easier to comprehend Focus generally on independence/autonomy/success of self

Latino Family system may be more traditional to native country traditions/beliefs Parental unit may be working multiple jobs May be paternal authority with maternal responsibility If newer arrival, may be monolingual parents Extended family Value education

African American Can be of African Heritage/Caribbean/Black Family system extended Long history of bias negatively impacting black children, especially boys Maternal responsibility/authority

Asian Pacific Islander Value education Stigma extends to everyone in family/community Obedience to parents Intergenerational stress

Native American Indian Long history of trauma with school system Distrust with majority system Family systems are very extended Many may include indigenous practices/stories, etc.

Cultural Competency In closing; you must understand the make up and culture of your students in order to provide them a more effective educational experience. Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune~ John Rohn

Alcohol and Drug Disorders 101 San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health Alcohol and Drug Disorders 101 Presented by Gary R. Atkins, M.S.W. Deputy Director, Program Operations, Alcohol and Drug Services 268 W. Hospitality Lane, Suite 400 San Bernardino, CA 92415

Department of Behavioral Health San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health Elements of Addiction Pre-Addiction Family Issues Peer Pressure Child Abuse/Neglect Trauma Bio-chemistry Environment

Department of Behavioral Health San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health Elements of Addiction Pre-Addiction Family Issues Peer Pressure Child Abuse/Neglect Trauma Bio-chemistry Environment

Department of Behavioral Health San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health Elements of Addiction Pre-Addiction Family Issues Peer Pressure Child Abuse/Neglect Trauma Bio-chemistry Environment

Alcohol and Drug Services Administration The Chronic Care and Recovery Support Framework Gary Atkins, MSW Deputy Director of Program Operations County of San Bernardino Department of Behavioral Health

OBJECTIVES To transform to a chronic care model for Behavioral Health Services. To build unity across the alcohol and drug field. To promote and understand the Institute of Medicine’s Chronic Care Framework. To develop and implement ideas for systems integration and transformation. County of San Bernardino Department of Behavioral Health

Creating the Roadmap for the Chronic Care and Recovery Support Framework County of San Bernardino Department of Behavioral Health

Current Prevention Services Seven Contracted Environmental Prevention Providers Applied Research and Data Media Advocacy Enforcement Community Organization Policy Development County of San Bernardino Department of Behavioral Health

Current Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services 29 OUTPATIENT CLINICS 2 DETOX CLINICS 7 RESIDENTIAL CLINICS 13 PC 1000 PROGRAMS 9 DRUG COURTS 6 RECOVERY CENTERS 14 DUI PROGRAMS County of San Bernardino Department of Behavioral Health

A substance abuse treatment service system should be designed … With the understanding that addiction is a chronic disease. Relapse is likely to happen, especially in early stages of recovery. Clients have individual and multiple needs, therefore a continuum of care is necessary. County of San Bernardino Department of Behavioral Health

CREATING AN INTEGRATED QUALITY BASED TREATMENT SYSTEM Evidenced based practices Data Collection System Evaluation Accountability for Measurable Outcomes Unified Leadership Collaboration Among Systems Regulate Facilities Program Quality Health and Safety Provide regular feedback to providers regarding outcomes and advancement of the field. County of San Bernardino Department of Behavioral Health


THANK YOU… Gary Atkins, MSW Deputy Director of Program Operations Department of Behavioral Health County of San Bernardino (909) 382-3079 County of San Bernardino Department of Behavioral Health