T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org Subtitle: Sometimes there are disconcerting gaps between theory and practice...
Internationalization of student cohorts is good (for the students, and for us.) T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Internationalization of student cohorts is good (for the students, and for us.) We should not admit students who do not have access to the things they will need to succeed. T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Internationalization of student cohorts is good (for the students, and for us.) We should not admit students who do not have access to the things they will need to succeed. If we choose to admit students with a wider range of writing abilities, it follows that we need to offer a greater range of resources and/or support services. T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Both writing and learning are social activities. T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Both writing and learning are social activities. None of us, if pressed, could identify all of the sources of knowledge we now claim as “ours.” T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Both writing and learning are social activities. None of us, if pressed, could identify all of the sources of knowledge we now claim as “ours.” Faculty agree neither on a definition of plagiarism nor on how to interpret or apply plagiarism policy. T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
How do we provide the assistance and resources for our increasingly diverse range of students while still maintaining the quality of instruction, fairness, and rigor? T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
How do we provide the assistance and resources for our increasingly diverse range of students while still maintaining the quality of instruction, fairness, and rigor? Should we try to make room within existing curricula? Should we offer “extra” instruction (or leniency) to a select few? Should we maintain existing practices and standards and let the consequences fall as they may? T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
In some cases, what we expect or require of international students is explicitly contrary to their own cultural norms. ~Sharon Meyers T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
The students who make it to where we are do so by learning to succeed within a system of accepted cultural practices. (It should not be a surprise that they see marks or their diploma, rather than learning, as their goal. That’s how it has been presented to them.) T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
“Any discussion of plagiarism needs to recognize that the framework under which "plagiarism" is conceived in American academia is the product of a particular cultural and institutional history and not one that is universally shared.” -The Plagiarism Project T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
“People are blind to their own academic cultures; they think students know things when they don’t.” (from Janet Ryan’s research responses, given in her slides here this morning.) T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
I am a visitor here... I am not permanent And the only thing keeping me dry is where I am... -The Postal Service (Song Lyric) T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
There is a critical difference between importance and immediacy... -Bill Moyers (journalist) T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Q: Where do we find the most frequent occurrences of plagiarism? T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Q: Where do we find the most frequent occurrences of plagiarism? A: Where we look. T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Undergrad Grad Faculty (Observing) Percentage of students who admit to written cheating 48% 31% 86% N= 75, , ,800+ *US only; UGs excludes first year students -Don McCabe, Address to AAC&U October 2009 T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Clearly, this is not simply an issue with International Students T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Clearly, this is not simply an issue with international students, however, considering the issues faced by second (or third) language speakers can help us to understand and address it. T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Clearly, this is not simply an issue with international students. One of the things we can do is to speak to students in language they understand. T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Often, even our native speakers find it difficult to understand what we say about plagiarism. With the stakes as high as they are, we must try to remedy that situation. As Neil Morris noted this morning, the stakes are quite high, and penalties quite severe, yet we don’t define it for them and they are quite poorly prepared to write for us. When we accept them, it becomes our responsibility. T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Plagiarism occurs when someone * Uses words, ideas, or work products T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Plagiarism occurs when someone * Uses words, ideas, or work products * Attributable to another identifiable person or source T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Plagiarism occurs when someone * Uses words, ideas, or work products * Attributable to another identifiable person or source * Without attributing the work to the source from which it was obtained T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Plagiarism occurs when someone * Uses words, ideas, or work products * Attributable to another identifiable person or source * Without attributing the work to the source from which it was obtained * In a situation in which there is a legitimate expectation of original authorship T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Plagiarism occurs when someone * Uses words, ideas, or work products * Attributable to another identifiable person or source * Without attributing the work to the source from which it was obtained * In a situation in which there is a legitimate expectation of original authorship * In order to obtain some benefit, credit, or gain which need not be monetary T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Complex issues should not be addressed in simplistic ways... T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Complex issues should not be addressed in simplistic ways... However, We do a disservice when we hold students to standards we know to be written in ways they do not comprehend. T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Complex issues should not be addressed in simplistic ways... However, We do a disservice when we hold students to standards we know to be written in ways they do not comprehend. “We have a powerful weapon in our hands and have to be careful to avoid collateral damage” ~ Janet Ryan (this morning) T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
Whether they are “international” students or not, most of our students are “visitors” To help them learn the mores of academic culture, we should embed the knowledge they need, in language they can understand, throughout our curricula. T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org
T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org For more information, please contact the International Center for Academic Integrity or AcademicIntegrity.org
T. Fishman International Center for Academic Integrity AcademicIntegrity.org For more information, please contact the International Center for Academic Integrity or AcademicIntegrity.org And please join us for our Academic Integrity conference in Toronto in October!