Twinkle Twinkle Little Star October 15, 2013
Water-Cooler Talk : Leadership Organizational Behaviour – Boeing (Link)Link Personal Power – Trying to sell an ability to turn power into leadership (link)link Palin brought to New Jersey (link)link
What is “Leadership”? “The process of influencing the activities of an organized group in its efforts toward goal setting and goal achievement” (Stogdill, 1950, p. 3)
Non-Academic Definition Leadership is the ability to motivate yourself and others to accomplish a common goal through a united effort.
How do we comprehend “leadership”? Who are the three most respected leader in your community?
What do leaders do? Set direction: mission, goals, vision Build commitment: motivate & inspire Confront challenges: innovation, deal with change, turbulence, take risks
How do we comprehend “Leadership” Three key components to Leadership: – an interpersonal process between one person and a group – can’t have ‘leaders’ without ‘followers’ – criterion for effective leadership = goal achievement
Leadership Myths Leadership is power (with people rather than over people) Leaders are born (but leaders are also “made”) All groups have leaders (large groups tend to require a leader) People resist their leaders (most groups accept the need for a leader) Great Man Theory
Leadership Truths Leadership effectiveness equals interaction between the leader's traits and the characteristics of situation Leaders are classified as person ‑ oriented or task ‑ oriented Control depends on relationship between leader/followers, the degree of task structure, and the leader's authority
Path-Goal Situations and Preferred Leader Behaviors Situation Leader BehaviorImpact on FollowerOutcome Supportive Leadership Directive Leadership Achievement- Oriented Leadership Participative Leadership Followers lack self-confidence Ambiguous job Lack of job challenge Incorrect reward Increases confidence to achieve work outcomes Clarifies path to reward Set and strive for high goals Clarifies followers’ needs to change rewards Increased effort; improved satisfaction and performance
Leadership Truths are “Models” 1.Leadership Style 2.Leadership Power
Model: Leadership Style Democratic leader moves the group toward its goals Autocratic leader moves the group toward the leader’s goals Laissez-faire leader makes no attempt to move the group
Model : POWER? “The ability to control one’s environment” – Could be applicable to Political, Economic, Social, or Cultural issues. Could even apply to Environment – For example, how much “power” does Greenpeace have? Al Gore? Vandana Shiva? If you could control environment in previous game, would you have done better and/or gotten more points?
Model : Power, Pt. 2 Coercive – Power to force some one to action against their will (ex. Dictator) Reward – Power to give others what they want (ex. Manager giving a raise) Legitimate – Power dictated by a title (ex. “General Manager” vs FD Clerk) Referent – Power derived from being what others want to be (ex. celebrities) Expert – Power due to ability / skill set (ex. Professor)
What is the most rewarding activity in which you have taken part? Why was it rewarding? Did you work with others? What was their role? Develop your leadership abilities. Participate in activities that promote these positive traits and qualities. Remember: Leadership starts with involvement! Involve yourself with your family, your school and your community!
Leadership Commonalities Leadership is unique to the leader, the follower(s), and the situation – We are all different, but models and defining characteristics can be similar!
Leadership Activity, Pt. 1 Write one word on each piece of yellow notepad describing “Leadership”
Leadership Activity, Pt. 2 As a group, put the yellow notes in groups based upon topic. For example, – “Kind” may have “positivism” and/or “mentor” grouped underneath it. – Every single yellow sticky note MUST be used
HFTP Leadership
Leadership Activity, Pt. 3 Write one statement on each piece of yellow notepad describing “Leadership”
Leadership Activity, Pt. 4 As a group, put the yellow notes in groups based upon topic. For example, – “Kind” may have “positivism” and/or “mentor” grouped underneath it. – Every single yellow sticky note MUST be used