History/Social Studies Science and Technical Subjects Secondary Principal Session Educator Effectiveness Academy 2012
What skills do 21 st century careers require?
Job responsibilities: Adjudicate cases and grant/deny applications for benefits Independently research, interpret, and analyze an extensive spectrum of sources Interview applicants, assessing credibility, and analyzing information to identify facts and considerations Exercise sound judgment in decision-making Write persuasive reports to communicate findings and recommendations to appropriate agencies Ensure national security by conducting background investigations and identifying individuals who pose a threat WHO AM I?
Participants will understand: the impact of disciplinary literacy on preparing students for college, career, and civic life. the key points and structure of the Disciplinary Literacy Frameworks. the application of Disciplinary Literacy to classroom instruction.
Disciplinary Literacy is not using “generic reading and writing strategies to learn about science, math, history and literature.” McConachie and Petrosky, Content Matters, 2010
Disciplinary Literacy is the use of discipline-specific practices to access, apply, and communicate content knowledge.
Each discipline has specialized: Ways of thinking Language and vocabulary Types of text to comprehend Ways of communicating in writing
CCSS English Language Arts Literacy for History/Social Studies AND Literacy for Science and Technical Subjects
History/Social Studies Reading, Grades 6-8 English Language Arts Reading Informational Text, Grade 8 Science and Technical Subjects Reading, Grades 6-8
Cluster: Craft and Structure CCR Anchor Standard #6 Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text. Grades 9-10Grades RST Analyze the author’s purpose in providing an explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment in a text, defining the question the author seeks to address. RST Analyze the author’s purpose in providing an explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment in a text, identifying important issues that remain unresolved. Essential Skills and Knowledge Analyze and explain the structure of an explanation, procedure, or experiment and how it contributes to meaning and/or purpose of the text. Determine and examine the relationships between and among ideas throughout the text and how they contribute to meaning. Evaluate the effectiveness of the text to address the author’s purpose. Identify and explain the author’s purpose in providing an explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment in a text. Determine and examine the relationships between and among ideas throughout the text how they contribute to meaning. Evaluate the text for completeness, and relevance. Analyze and explain any inconsistencies, ambiguities, or gaps among information presented in text. Anchor Standard Cluster Grade-level Standard Cluster Essential Skills & Knowledge DECONSTRUCTING THE FRAMEWORKS
RST RH WHST Standard Grade band Strand
FROM….. Writing from a personal perspective… I think, I feel. Teacher interpreting text. Reading only textbooks. Identify and memorize facts. Using a single text to gather information. TO…… Evidence -based responses both orally and in writing. Students immersed in “the work.” Increased close reading of a variety of informational texts. Analyze, synthesize, and critique information. Multiple sources of information.
Disciplinary Literacy Reading Standards for History/Social Studies, RH Describe and analyze population growth, migration and settlement patterns in early world history by integrating data from maps and charts with print and digital sources. (Ancient World History) Disciplinary Literacy Writing Standards for History/Social Studies, WHST Write an argument making a claim about the constitutionality of FDR’s plan to increase the number of Supreme Court justices. Support your claim with supporting evidence drawn from primary and secondary sources and refute the claims of the opposing view. (AP US History)
Disciplinary Literacy Reading Standards for Science, RST Analyze the concept of mass based on the reading of Gordon Kanes “The Mysteries of Mass” and cite specific textual evidence from the text to answer the question of why elementary particles have mass at all. Include important distinctions the author makes regarding the Higgs field and the Higgs boson and their relationship to the concept of mass. (C0mmon Core Literacy Standards, Appendix B) Disciplinary Literacy Writing Standards for Science, WHST Use argumentation to evaluate the competing demands for various human use of fresh water and biosphere resources. (Next Generation Science Standards)
Share this presentation with staff Analyze Literacy in All Subjects Present 7 Capacities of Literate Individuals for career and college readiness Compare the CCSS side-by-side documents Explore available digital resources
Access the Frameworks Online Follow-Up Webinar Disciplinary Literacy Conference Regional Disciplinary Literacy Workshops
Martha Alexander – Science Kim Callison – ELA Jennifer Frieman – Social Studies Valerie Johnson – Social Studies JoAnn Roberts – Science
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