World War II at a Glance LR201 Course Syllabus By: Mrs. Arend
Introduction to the Course Welcome to LR201, World War II at a Glance. This course is exclusively online This unit will take place over a five week period (August 2nd- September 5th) This course is found at
Course Overview/Learning Outcomes This course is designed to facilitate and support your learning of World War II, both on the home front and abroad ( ). The course is divided into four areas of study 1. The Causes of WWII 2. The U.S. Entry into WWII 3. The injustices of WII (Holocaust and Japanese Internment Camps) 4. How WWII Ended
Course Overview/Learning Outcomes Each week will consist of -An Overview of the Week’s Assignments and Readings - A Lecture and the Readings - A Weekly Journal Entry (Discussion Forum Entries) - An Assignment for the Week - A Week Ending Quiz
Course Objectives The Goal of this Course is to - Understand the Concepts and Historical Perspectives of WII - Comprehend the Human injustices that occurred in WWII - Collaborate and Design a power point slide show on any WWII topic (Description Later in Course) - Effectively use technology to discuss, collaborate, and complete assignments in this course
Course Communication Course Communication will take place between Students and Teacher Through - Online Discussion Boards and - This is the best way to get a hold of me. If you have any questions please feel free to . I will respond in a timely Any office hours will be set up through ; we will meet in a discussion forum or skype (
Required Texts/Readings Most Readings will be available on the course website, provided through free available resources. “Farewell to Manzanar” By: Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston -The First Four Chapters can be Found on Google Books Here afterHere that please buy or pick up at the library
Technology Requirements Must have access to a Computer with a high speed connection in order to view course content.
Class Procedures and Requirements Discussion Forum Participation -Each Student Must Participate in Each Discussion Forum Question. -Each Student Must Respond to two Posts in the Discussion Forums Assignments -All assignments are due Sundays by 11:59pm of the week they are assigned -Late assignments will receive 5pts less everyday it is late. -If you are having trouble keeping up with assignments please me and we will work something out. Quizzes - Count for Participation points as well as the grade obtained from the quizzes
Evaluation Criteria Participation is 10% of Final Grade - Based upon quality entries in the Discussion Forums - Quizzes Assignments are 25% of Final Grade - Based on the Completion and Quality of the Work Turned in Quizzes are 10% of Final Grade - Based on the Scores from each quiz Final Project = 55% - Criteria and Rubric Coming Later in Course
Grading Scale Conversion Between Percentage, Letter Grade, and 4.0 Scales 100%-934.0A B B C C D D F
Conduct Respect Everyone and Everyone will Respect You If there are any misconduct in this course; whether on the discussion boards or through there will be serious consequences (a failing grade will be given to those involved)
Good Luck! Enjoy the Course!