Matthew 16:21-27
Most failed to comprehend who He was, Matthew 16:13-14 Peter (who confessed Him to be the Son of God) balked at His declaration of approaching suffering and death, Matthew 16:
His purposes were often rejected cf. Premillennialism’s corruption of God’s kingdom purpose (Dan 2:44) The purposes and plans of God are not hampered and prevented by men, Rom 11:29; 9:20-21 (Psa 2:1- 3) 3
The idea that men prevent God from fulfilling His plans is offensive and denies the word of God God’s redemptive plan in Jesus Christ was a stone of stumbling to the Jews, 1 Cor 1:22-23; 1 Pet 2:7-8; Isa 8:
The Christ must go to Jerusalem, Lk 13: The Christ must suffer many things: According to OT prophecy, Lk 24:25-27, (Deut 18:15; Psa 22:1; Isa 53) By the religious leaders, Acts 4:11 (1 Cor 2:7-9) The Christ must be killed, Isa 53:7-8 The Christ must be raised the third day, Lk 24:6-8, 21; Acts 2:24-31 (Rom 1:4) 5
Peter pronounced mercy, not murder, for the Son of God (“merciful to you”) What appeared to be well-intended was completely wrong! The purposes of God are not the intentions of men (Prov 16:25; Isa 55:8- 9) 6
People still rebuke the Son of God by trying to dispense mercy in violation of His truth How to be saved: “Water baptism not necessary” One church: “Many ways to God” (Eph 4:4) MDR: “One loosed, both loosed” (Matt 19:9) Doctrine doesn’t matter: “We all agree on Christ” (2 Jno 9-11) 7
Obstruct things of God, cf. Rev 12:1-8; Tried to keep Christ from living (Herod the Great) Tried to keep Christ off the cross (Peter) Tried to keep Christ in the grave (Death, guards) Tries to dishearten disciples with persecution, Rev 12:13 Satan Fails! 1 Pet 5:8-9 (Rev 12:11-14) 8
Word of God, 2 Tim 2:15; 2 Pet 3:18 Purposes (will) of God, 1 Pet 4:1-2 Your sanctification, 1 Ths 4:3 Be transformed in mind and life, Rom 12:2 Stand perfect and complete, Col 4:12 Suffer for doing good, 1 Pet 3:17; 2:15; 4:19 Receive the promise, Heb 10:36 (1 Jno 2:17) 9
By following Jesus The one who died and lives forever more Deny yourself to achieve God’s purposes Like Jesus, willingly rejected by others Like Jesus, willingly misrepresented by friends God will reward you, Matt 16:27 10
Death of Jesus is the world’s greatest example of self-denial, Matt 16:24 Will we be stumbling blocks to the purposes of Christ? Or, will we be “living stones” in His spiritual house? 1 Pet 2:4-8 11