Matthew 16:21-27.  Most failed to comprehend who He was, Matthew 16:13-14  Peter (who confessed Him to be the Son of God) balked at His declaration.


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Presentation transcript:

Matthew 16:21-27

 Most failed to comprehend who He was, Matthew 16:13-14  Peter (who confessed Him to be the Son of God) balked at His declaration of approaching suffering and death, Matthew 16:

 His purposes were often rejected  cf. Premillennialism’s corruption of God’s kingdom purpose (Dan 2:44)  The purposes and plans of God are not hampered and prevented by men, Rom 11:29; 9:20-21 (Psa 2:1- 3) 3

 The idea that men prevent God from fulfilling His plans is offensive and denies the word of God  God’s redemptive plan in Jesus Christ was a stone of stumbling to the Jews, 1 Cor 1:22-23; 1 Pet 2:7-8; Isa 8:

 The Christ must go to Jerusalem, Lk 13:  The Christ must suffer many things:  According to OT prophecy, Lk 24:25-27, (Deut 18:15; Psa 22:1; Isa 53)  By the religious leaders, Acts 4:11 (1 Cor 2:7-9)  The Christ must be killed, Isa 53:7-8  The Christ must be raised the third day, Lk 24:6-8, 21; Acts 2:24-31 (Rom 1:4) 5

 Peter pronounced mercy, not murder, for the Son of God (“merciful to you”)  What appeared to be well-intended was completely wrong!  The purposes of God are not the intentions of men (Prov 16:25; Isa 55:8- 9) 6

 People still rebuke the Son of God by trying to dispense mercy in violation of His truth  How to be saved: “Water baptism not necessary”  One church: “Many ways to God” (Eph 4:4)  MDR: “One loosed, both loosed” (Matt 19:9)  Doctrine doesn’t matter: “We all agree on Christ” (2 Jno 9-11) 7

 Obstruct things of God, cf. Rev 12:1-8;  Tried to keep Christ from living (Herod the Great)  Tried to keep Christ off the cross (Peter)  Tried to keep Christ in the grave (Death, guards)  Tries to dishearten disciples with persecution, Rev 12:13  Satan Fails! 1 Pet 5:8-9 (Rev 12:11-14) 8

 Word of God, 2 Tim 2:15; 2 Pet 3:18  Purposes (will) of God, 1 Pet 4:1-2  Your sanctification, 1 Ths 4:3  Be transformed in mind and life, Rom 12:2  Stand perfect and complete, Col 4:12  Suffer for doing good, 1 Pet 3:17; 2:15; 4:19  Receive the promise, Heb 10:36 (1 Jno 2:17) 9

 By following Jesus  The one who died and lives forever more  Deny yourself to achieve God’s purposes  Like Jesus, willingly rejected by others  Like Jesus, willingly misrepresented by friends  God will reward you, Matt 16:27 10

 Death of Jesus is the world’s greatest example of self-denial, Matt 16:24  Will we be stumbling blocks to the purposes of Christ?  Or, will we be “living stones” in His spiritual house? 1 Pet 2:4-8 11