lundi, le 14 mai
F 2- Per 2 & 7 1. Textbook and workbook practice- 159, (Tear out APT & W/B unit 5 & study guide in back) 2. See “Barbie” PP C:\Documents and Settings\dmccage\Desktop\F 2 Barbie.pptC:\Documents and Settings\dmccage\Desktop\F 2 Barbie.ppt 3. Draw: 17 Etre house & reflexive verbs. 17 of each! H/W: Flashcards unit 5. Test Wed.
Examples Y= There, it/to it. Use when you see? __A, au, a la, aux_____ Ex. Tu joues au basket? OUI, j’y joue! Ex. Tu vas a Paris? OUI, j’y vais! En= Some/any/of it Use when you see? ___De,du, de la, des_____ Ex. Tu fais du gymnastiques? J’en fais. Ex. Tu manges des bon bons? J’en mange.
F 2 Pre-AP Per 3 1.Did we grade APT ? (W/B & APT unit 5 & 6 torn out? And Study guide in back) 2.Textbook and workbook practice , See “Barbie” PP C:\Documents and Settings\dmccage\Desktop\F 2 Barbie.ppt 4.Draw: Etre house & reflex.(17 of each) H/W: flashcards unit 5. Test Wed.
F 1 Per 4 Absent Fri? A.Bor. Words for 70 & FFF for 60 B.Take quiz ALL: 1. due-Late FFF for 60 & 2.Notes: Pg. 221 (green chart, bullet rules), 223 (green), 228 (green), 230 (green box) AND 3. H/W: APT 75-76, 79-80, 83 (not 3) pg. 84 (not 2 & 3) TODAY: Notes: Clothes pg. 258, 259, 260 Over Bor.words Time? See DVD of unit 5 H/W: Grammar page & STUDY for quiz on Bor. Words “F”! Last one! NO 3, 4, 10, 11! TEST- units 5 and part of 6 WEDNESDAY! Format tomorrow! Demo FFF Thurs & Fri. Exam prep next week!
F 4/FRAP F4: Voki due Quiz 5/6 Wed. Magazine due Wed. will take tomorrow for Early points FRAP:Prac test L’examen AP DEMAIN! A vendredi-Nom/BD A lundi-Voki/xtranormal/goanimate
F 3 per. 6 1.Virtual tour due for Notes: Hotel words unit 6 3.See La Parure movie 4.We’ll finish it tomorrow and take quiz. Wed. QUIZ chap. 5 & SONG due Thurs/Fri: Verbchart & Demos!