The information contained in this training is confidential and intended for the training and education of Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company and The Paul Revere Life Insurance Company employees and sales representatives (insurance producers in WA) only. Any other use of this information is not authorized. Do not give or show it to prospective insureds, employers of prospective insureds, other insurance carrier representatives, worksite marketing competitors, or anyone else not employed by or contracted with Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, The Paul Revere Life Insurance Company or other Unum Group business units. Lesson 2: Positioning Premium Only Plans to the Employer Lesson 3: Positioning Premium Only Plans to the Employee Lesson 1: Introduction to FBP with a focus on Premium Only Plans Basic Flexible Benefits Plans (FBP) The Basic Flexible Benefits Plans training modules consists of three lessons. Each lesson can be found on Propr. Updated 05/2013
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans By the end of this lesson you will be able to: Comprehend a basic overview of Flexible Benefits (Flex) Plans Understand what benefits qualify for Flexible Benefits Plans Understand the basics of Premium Only Plans Lesson Objectives
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans Flexible Benefits Plans (Flex Plans) emerged as a result of Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 125 Section 125 was created by Congress in 1978 to: – Address the benefits needs of America’s changing work force – Contain the escalating costs of employee benefit programs – Most importantly, make benefits more affordable through preferential tax treatment Introduction Flex Plans allow employers and employees to save tax dollars
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans Flexible Benefits Plan Overview
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans What Benefits Qualify for Pretaxing? Benefits that Qualify: Accident and Health/Medical Plans Group Term Life Insurance (employee only) Contributions to a Dependent Care FSA Contributions to a Health Care FSA Adoption Assistance 401(k) Plans Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) Benefits that Qualify: Accident and Health/Medical Plans Group Term Life Insurance (employee only) Contributions to a Dependent Care FSA Contributions to a Health Care FSA Adoption Assistance 401(k) Plans Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) Benefits that Don’t Qualify: x Universal life insurance x Whole life insurance x Long-term care insurance x Dependent life insurance x 403(b) and 457 plans xHealth Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) Benefits that Don’t Qualify: x Universal life insurance x Whole life insurance x Long-term care insurance x Dependent life insurance x 403(b) and 457 plans xHealth Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs)
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans Pre-taxing Our Products DISABILITY ACCIDENT & HEALTH SPECIAL RISK Qualified Product LinesUnqualified Product Lines LIFE Product availability varies by state. Refer to the Advanced Flexible Benefits Tutorial and Propr for more information.
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans POP plans are the most popular use of cafeteria plans Allow employees to pay their share of the cost of qualified benefit plans with pre-tax salary dollars Value added service – no cost to the employer who qualifies! – Three employees who elect our coverage – Minimum annualized premium of $1,800 Employer is the plan sponsor This is for illustrative purposes only. Actual results may vary. Premium Only Plan - POP
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans Enhances their current benefits program More affordable benefits for their employees Reduces their payroll taxes. Tax savings! Employer Benefits Potential cost considerations Implementing payroll deductions Eligibility Employer Trade-offs
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans Tailor benefits to their individual needs Reduces their Federal, State, & FICA taxes. Tax savings! Increased spendable income Employee Benefits Employee Trade-offs Locked into plan for one year Irrevocability of elections Possible reduction in Social Security benefits.
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans Benefit partner High persistency due to irrevocability of elections Account protection Maximum exposure Your Benefits Your Trade-offs Order plan documents through Ameriflex Flex supplemental form Review plan documents with employer Review roles and responsibilities
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans Misconception that we are a legal or tax advisor Reduction in Social Security benefits Free-look provision and cancelling coverage Effective dates Potential Market Conduct Risk Issues
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans Maximum product exposure. Establish partnership with business owner. Increased persistency and BQI. Stay ahead of the competition. Why offer POP? Flexible Benefits Free POP administration with $1,800 premium
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account Premium Only Plan Medical Flexible Spending Account Health Savings Account Which type of Flexible Benefit Plan option below allows employees to pay their share of the cost of medical coverage with pre-tax salary dollars? Lesson Quiz
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans The Employer by reducing payroll taxes The Employee by having a greater choice of benefits and saving Federal, State, and FICA taxes The Sales Representative by establishing a Benefits Partner A and B only All of the above Who benefits from a Premium Only Plan? Lesson Quiz
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans Effective immediately, employers that offer FSAs that don't include a grace period will have the option of allowing employees to roll over up to $500 of unused funds at the end of this plan year. Additionally, this optional adoption: Does not reduce the $2,500 limit on annual salary reduction; Must be uniformly applied (for example, if capped at less than $500); Is in lieu of a grace period.
Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans If this lesson has been helpful to you, please refer to Propr to take the other lessons in this Basic Flexible Benefits Training Tutorial. We welcome your comments and ideas, and would like to know what you think. us at Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed Lesson 1: Introduction to Flexible Benefits Plans