public domain Graphite
© Theodore Gray Ancient and modern methods for getting the “lead” (really graphite) into pencils. by-nc-sa: Adam Mulligan
Graphite forms in metamorphosed sedimentary rocks as an alteration of organic material. public domain marble metamorphosed coal (anthracite) quartzite schist gneiss by-nc-sa: bcostin by-nc-sa: Ron Schott by-nc-sa: brewbooks
© Theodore Gray Soft and greasy-feeling, graphite is usually found in lumps… Graphite is mined. by-nc-nd: tridymite …but occasionally in crystals.
FedCenter public domain Disc brakes have graphite linings.
public domain Lightweight sports equipment, like tennis racquets and golf clubs, are often made from graphite. © Theodore Gray graphite lubricant Graphite is prized for both its strength and weakness.
public domain The forces that loosely hold graphite together are named after Johannes Diderik van der Waals. On an atomic level, graphite has a sheet-like structure where carbon atoms lie in sheets that are only weakly bonded to the overlying and underlying carbon sheets. Geckos can climb vertical surfaces for the same reason graphite sheets stick together: van der Waals forces. public domain
© 2002 New England Meteoritical Services The other materials on this meteorite have weathered away, leaving only the graphite. Graphite is common in meteorites. by-nc-nd: Saxsbiker
US EPA/Region 6 Houston Laboratory Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Laboratory Graphite can withstand high heat. public domain Graphite crucibles of different sizes. These crucibles can withstand temperatures up to 1500°C.
San Francisco Maritime National Park Association Graphite is in generators, as the carbon brushes that conduct electricity. by-nc-nd: ingoism
© Theodore Gray Made in the late 1910s, the filament in this bulb has a graphite paste baked over a carbon core. Graphite is a good electrical conductor. Sandia Corporation silicon/graphite electrode
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, UK Some paints contain graphite. by-nc-nd: velo_city by-nc-nd: A30_Tsitika
by-nc-sa: tomblois State of California Alkaline batteries contain graphite rods. © Theodore Gray by-nc: Daniel W.
DoD/ANL In this photo, decontamination technicians remove the lead and graphite blocks from a nuclear reactor vessel. Graphite is used in nuclear power plants. by: lisaschaos
CIA The CIA found high-density graphite blocks stockpiled in Iraq, supporting the US's fear that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction.
ORNL/U.S. DoE Oak Ridge Graphite Reactor, code-named "X-10," produced the world's first quantities of plutonium.
public domain Graphite
media rights Many of the photos in this presentation were obtained through Flickr and Wikipedia.FlickrWikipedia Funded by FIPSE and by the University of Minnesota. Compiled for Dr. Kent Kirkby, Department of Geology and Geophysics, by Kate Rosok, Each displayed image retains its original media rights. For educational purposes only; not to be used commercially.FIPSEUniversity of MinnesotaDr. Kent Kirkby Department of Geology and Geophysics public domain (none) © Copyright. All rights reserved by-nc-sa by by-nd by-sa by-nc-nd Creative Commons Licenses GNUGNU GNU Free Documentation LicenseGNU Free Documentation License Our notation description