VOCABULARY WORDS- ACROSS THE WIDE DARK SEA Anchor- a heavy metal hook attached to a ship and dropped overboard to hold the ship in place. Cramped- crowded; not enough room to move about. Journey-a trip from one place to another Seeping- slowly leaking; oozing Settlement-a small community in a new place Survive- to stay alive; to hold up or withstand Weary- tired; needing rest Please go over the definitions for these vocabulary words with your student. There will be a test on them on Friday. Presentation created by Mr. Jones
Anchor- a heavy metal hook attached to a ship and dropped overboard to hold the ship in place. A giant anchor An anchor has hooks that grab something on the bottom of the body of water to keep the boat or ship from floating away.
Cramped- crowded; not enough room to move about. This train ride in Cambodia was cramped with people. Imagine being this cramped on these trains in India and Pakistan!
Journey-a trip from one place to another What a peaceful journey this father and son are on.
Seeping- slowly leaking; oozing The water seeps out from the moss, creating a beautiful display of waterfalls. Sap is seeping out of a pinecone.
Settlement-a small community in a new place Viking explorations and settlements. Traveler’s, warriors, settler's, explorers, builders…
Cambodia Angkor Wat
Ancient settlements and landmarks in Egypt, Peru, and England.
Survive- to stay alive; to hold up or withstand A plant in the desert has to have deep roots in order to survive the yearly drought.
Weary- tired; needing rest When a person, or animal, is weary, they can sleep just about anywhere or in any way.