THE RICHNESS OF OUR FAITH Understanding Spiritual Warfare, Part 2 “The Rulers of the Darkness of this World” Ephesians 6:12,13
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
The Schemes of the Contest: John 3:19,20 John 3:19,20 “Men loved darkness rather than light” Job 1:6,7 Job 1:6,7 (Where does Satan come from, “walking to and fro on the earth”) Rev 12:4, 7-9 Rev 12:4, 7-9 (1/3 of the angels fell with Lucifer; war in heaven) Daniel 10:10-12 Daniel 10:10-12 (Daniel empowered by God to fight) (10:13-21 battling the princes of nations)
The Scope of the Contest: The great Greek scholar Kenneth Wuest identifies the forces of evil as follows: The principalities (archas): "the first ones, preeminent ones, leaders." [1:21; 3:10] The powers (exousias): "the authorities, the demons of Satan in the lower atmosphere who constitute his kingdom in the air." The rulers of the darkness of this world (kosmokrator): Satan and his demons. [2:2; 4:18; 5:8] The spiritual wickedness in high places (pneumatika tes ponerias): Satan and all his demonic forces. [the heavenly realms: 1:3,20; 2:6; 3:10; 6:12]
The Stand in the Contest: (13) “Stand” “Stand” – to withstand; to resist (Jms 4:7 and I Pet 5:9) The Whole Armor of God: (every piece is essential) To Withstand in the evil day: (what else is there to do) Having Done All, to stand: (the army with the most standing after the battle were declared the victors)