Advertisement GFD Duties –Plan, coordinate, and direct all activities of the Department –Responsibility for the operation of all phases of the Department –Assignment of personnel to special duties as required for the efficient operation of the department - Shall have the authority to appoint an individual responsible for the operations of the Department during their absence –Development and maintaining standard operating procedures and rules and regulation for the Department - Shall also have authority, during an emergency, to suspend the policies and procedures of the Department –Maintaining discipline while promoting the morale of the Department - Shall have the authority to recommend to the Village Mayor the suspension from duty, reduction in rank, or discharge of any member of the Department for violation of the policies and procedures
Advertisement (cont) GFD Duties –Maintaining records of matters relative to the operation of the Department –Responsibility for all records, forms, accounts, payroll, and all property of the Department –Complete control over all vehicles, buildings, equipment and other property belonging to or assigned to the Department –Enforcing all provisions contained in the Ohio Fire Code and all ordinances adopted by the Village of Glendale relative to the safety of the individuals and the protection of property within their jurisdiction –Shall provide direction in the development, maintenance, and execution of a department training program –Responsibility for the specifications and purchase of all emergency apparatus and equipment necessary for the services provided to the community
Advertisement (cont) GFD Duties –Responsibility for maintaining staffing needs and recruitment of personnel –When present, is the ranking officer, and shall assume command at fires and other emergencies within his jurisdiction Physical Requirements –Must be able to satisfactorily pass a standard employment physical examination verified by a doctor –Must be capable of lifting heavy equipment or victims –Must be able to withstand all types of weather with appropriate equipment –Must be able to withstand abnormal exposure to heat, smoke, gas, and dust with appropriate equipment
Advertisement (cont) Experience Requirements –Must have a valid State of Ohio Firefighter II certification –Must have a broad background in firefighting and safety –Must have an understanding of building construction –Must have a valid Ohio Driver’s License –Must have a high school diploma Candidate Preferences –Have prior experience as a fire department officer –Have prior experience in a volunteer fire department –Have prior experience as an EMT –Have a hazardous materials operations certification
Advertisement (cont) Initial tasks to be completed within first 100 days: –Work with Mayor and Council to update GFD’s mission and goals including station manning strategy and response goals –Development of a local volunteer recruitment program –Present a feasibility study for establishing a basic EMT service –Provide recommendation to Mayor and Council as to whether or not we should terminate assistance contract with Woodlawn and/or when