Unit 3 Ocean Ecology Ecosystem Notes
Ecosystem Rocky Coast/Tidepools Rocky Coast/Tidepools Where Found Where Found Between high and low tide on the coast places like CA, ME, etc. Between high and low tide on the coast places like CA, ME, etc.
Rocky Coast/Tidepools Producers Phytoplankton Phytoplankton Diatoms Diatoms Dinoflagellate Dinoflagellate Blue-green algae Blue-green algae Seaweed Seaweed Aka red, brown, and green algae Aka red, brown, and green algae Aka kelp Aka kelp They are all protists! They are all protists! from nasa.gov
Rocky Coast/Tidepools Notable Herbivores/Carnivores Mollusks, such as mussels, limpets, & octopus Mollusks, such as mussels, limpets, & octopus Echinoderms, such as sea stars & sea urchins Echinoderms, such as sea stars & sea urchins Crustaceans, such as crabs & barnacles Crustaceans, such as crabs & barnacles Small fish, such as clingfish and sculpin Small fish, such as clingfish and sculpin Marine mammals, such as sea lions Marine mammals, such as sea lions Birds, such as Black Oystercatchers & Blackfooted Penguins Birds, such as Black Oystercatchers & Blackfooted Penguins
Rocky Coast/Tidepools Sample Adaptations Avoid being washed away Avoid being washed away (cling/hide in rocks) (cling/hide in rocks) Protection from changing environment Protection from changing environment (temperature, moisture, salinity) (temperature, moisture, salinity)
Ecosystem Sandy Coast Sandy Coast Where Found Where Found The coast – places like much of the east and gulf coasts The coast – places like much of the east and gulf coasts
Sandy Coast Producers Phytoplankton Phytoplankton Seaweed Seaweed Dune grass Dune grass Grows on the dunes above the tide line Grows on the dunes above the tide line Salt grass Salt grass Can tolerate the highly saline soil Can tolerate the highly saline soil from nasa.gov
Sandy Coast Notable Herbivores/Carnivores Mollusks, such as clams Mollusks, such as clams Crustaceans, such as crabs, shrimp, and beachhoppers Crustaceans, such as crabs, shrimp, and beachhoppers Small fish, such as topsmelt Small fish, such as topsmelt Bloodworms Bloodworms Birds, such as Kildeer and Snowy Plovers Birds, such as Kildeer and Snowy Plovers
Sandy Coast Sample Adaptations Avoid being washed away Avoid being washed away (bury under sand) (bury under sand) Protection from changing environment Protection from changing environment (temperature, moisture, salinity) (temperature, moisture, salinity)
Ecosystem Kelp Forest Kelp Forest Where Found Where Found Mostly open ocean of °F Mostly open ocean of °F
Kelp Forest Producers Kelp! Kelp! Phytoplankton Phytoplankton
Kelp Forest Notable Herbivores/Carnivores Large variety – fish, shellfish, birds, seals Large variety – fish, shellfish, birds, seals
Kelp Forest Sample Adaptations Camouflage Camouflage Greens and browns Greens and browns Dull colors Dull colors (same as the kelp) (same as the kelp) A way to stay in the kelp forest (cling/swim) A way to stay in the kelp forest (cling/swim)
Ecosystem Coral Reef Coral Reef One of the most productive ecosystems on earth One of the most productive ecosystems on earth Where Found Where Found Between 30ºN & 30ºS latitude; Between 30ºN & 30ºS latitude; 68 to 82ºF; 68 to 82ºF; shallow water; shallow water; strong wave action strong wave action
Coral Reef Producers Zooxanthallae Zooxanthallae Phytoplankton Phytoplankton Algae/seaweed (lots) Algae/seaweed (lots)
Coral Reef Notable Herbivores/Carnivores Great diversity of life from all kingdoms Great diversity of life from all kingdoms Ex: parrotfish, barracudas, sharks, sea turtles, eels, dolphins, anemones, etc. Ex: parrotfish, barracudas, sharks, sea turtles, eels, dolphins, anemones, etc.
Coral Reef Sample Adaptations a way to break into coral a way to break into coral warning coloration warning coloration cleaner fish (clean debris/parasites from others to obtain food) cleaner fish (clean debris/parasites from others to obtain food) schooling schooling
Ecosystem Pelagic Sea Pelagic Sea Where Found Where Found Open ocean Open ocean Divided into 3 zones: sunlight, twilight, & midnight Divided into 3 zones: sunlight, twilight, & midnight
Pelagic Sea Producers Phytoplankton Phytoplankton Algae Algae from nasa.gov
Pelagic Sea Notable Herbivores/Carnivores Wide variety of protists (zooplankton) and animals (fish, birds, etc). Wide variety of protists (zooplankton) and animals (fish, birds, etc).
Pelagic Sea Sample Adaptations countershading (sunlight) countershading (sunlight) streamlined bodies (sunlight) streamlined bodies (sunlight) strong muscles (sunlight & some twilight) strong muscles (sunlight & some twilight) large eyes/pupils (twilight) large eyes/pupils (twilight) bioluminescence (twilight & midnight) bioluminescence (twilight & midnight) ability to withstand high pressure and cold temperatures (midnight) ability to withstand high pressure and cold temperatures (midnight)
Ecosystem Hydrothermal Vent Hydrothermal Vent Where Found Where Found Mid ocean ridges Mid ocean ridges
Hydrothermal Vent Producers Chemosynthetic bacteria Chemosynthetic bacteria
Hydrothermal Vent Notable Herbivores/Carnivores Tube worms Tube worms Pompeii worms Pompeii worms Crabs Crabs Octopus Octopus Eels Eels Fish Fish Clams Clams
Hydrothermal Vent Sample Adaptations ability to withstand great pressure high temperatures ability to withstand great pressure high temperatures ability to withstand temperature changes ability to withstand temperature changes
Ecosystem Southern Ocean Southern Ocean Where Found Where Found 60ºS latitude to Antarctica 60ºS latitude to Antarctica
Southern Ocean Producers phytoplankton phytoplankton
Southern Ocean Notable Herbivores/Carnivores Krill Krill Penguins Penguins Pelagic birds Pelagic birds Seals Seals Whales Whales Fish Fish etc. etc.
Southern Ocean Sample Adaptations countershading countershading insulation insulation layer of fat layer of fat layer of air between skin & feathers/coat layer of air between skin & feathers/coat oil to waterproof feathers/fur oil to waterproof feathers/fur