Right Sizing Collection While Planning for Future Challenges November 2009 Moira Carter
About SNBTS National Blood Service No competition Funded by central government Blood provided to hospitals ‘free’ at the point of use No incentives to donate Annual Donor Attends ~300,000 Demand has declined by 7% since 2007 Platelet demand has increased by 9% in last year Step change in regulatory stringency in last five years vCJD risk reduction measures have had a major impact on the service
vCJD Risk reduction measures HB s Ag (Oct ‘70) Anti-HIV (Oct ‘85) Anti-HCV (Sept ‘91) CPMP ban use of albumin as excipient 98 CSM bans use of UK plasma for fract May 98 SNBTS introduce MBT FFP May 98 Universal component leucodepletion Nov 98 HCV NAT, frozen components Jul 99 (SNBTS) HCV NAT cellular components Apr 00 (SNBTS) BacTAlert screening of platelets Dec 01 (SNBTS) anti HTLV screening Nov 02 (SNBTS) HIV NAT screening Nov 02 (SNBTS) Imported FFP - born after 31 Dec 1995 Jun 03 (SN BTS) Defer PTDs Apr 04; male FFP May 04 Defer “unsure”PTDs Aug 04, Blood Safety & Quality Regulations (Nov 2005) 80% Platelets by Apheresis Double Red Cells for children and special patient groups Variant CJD screening test Prion filtration Pathogen inactivation……….. £ ?
Background and Context By December 2007, the active blood donor base was at lowest level since national records began The need for corrective action was clear Additionally, these losses impact of overall productivity of the collection program SNBTS have invested in a highly effective integrated publicity and marketing strategy to deliver rapid recovery, forming effective partnerships with media stakeholders and other bodies To build in resilience to withstand the loss of 10% of the donor base as a result of a vCJD test and avoid blood shortage
Integrated Marketing Strategy Need to monitor the effectiveness of both creative and media buying strategy Need for message to progress Emotion into Action Emotion into Action into Act Now Must be underpinned by sound research
Value of PR The use of Pro active Patient focussed Planned PR at key times of the year reduces overall media spend When stocks high, message is softer and more difficult to attract coverage Almost inverse relationship between strength of creative message and PR Since Dec 08 PR messages ‘softer’ with more good news tone due to high stock levels
SEGMENTATION DONATED IN LAST 8 MONTHS Blood Group Specific Initiatives Kit Kat to reduce donor attendance frequency Blood Donor 24 NOT DONATED IN LAST 9 MONTHS ‘Its not some one else we’re missing’ Intervention MONTHS Lapsing intervention‘ >24 MONTHS TRACKED CONTACTS ‘Winback’ Initiative D Delivering : The Right Message to the Right Donor at the Right Time and achieving the Right response ACTIVE DONORS Last 12 Months 70% Donor loyalty reduces with time 9% 8% 14% NEW DONORS Improved conversion Thank You & 2nd Don’n Reminder New Donor Contract Revised Deferral Criteria ‘Winback’?: Hi BP, Diabetes & Age
New & Returning Donor Recruitment New & Returning Donors at 98.2% of target YTD 22% up on 2007/08 61% of donors of N&R donors recruited are new Average monthly recruitment up by 28% post campaign launch
Donor Base Trends Donor base declined by 2% since Mar 09 4% up on Dec 07 and 95% of current resilience target Reduced ATL & BTL activity
Excess Inventory & Donor Base Therefore Need to segment the donor base Or to change our collection footprint to reduce frequency and extend our reach Leads us towards service redesign Excess inventory required reduction in ATL & BTL activity (Blood Group Specific) Difficult to expand the donor base when stocks are high and demand under control
Inventory Imbalance When in stock surplus the ratio of Days Total Stock to Days O Neg rises to 3 Current stock levels of O neg very good Considering reducing activity level
The Future Need to improve our ability to segment the donor base by improving our Customer Relation management skills at each point of contact To achieve this we need to take a 360 degree approach to donor management In Short we need an effective CRM tool An effective CRM tool could become cost neutral within 3-5 years and has the potential to generate significant savings in terms of consumables and staffing costs Would require a reduction in wastage of ~ 2% to become cost neutral without estimating staffing cost savings Donor Behaviour
Current Situation Analysis Blood Stocks have been extremely high with exception of O negative Demand 7% below level predicted at the outset of plan By April Clear need to correct the inventory in order to prevent excessive waste Donor Deferral rates reduced by >1% ytd and have been at ~15% in last two months (last 18.3%). Collection losses down to 3.5% from 3.8% The productivity gains result in an additional 4100 useable donations per annum New Donor Deferral reduced to 32% v 36% last year Demand 5% lower than original estimate vCJD research indicates that we should plan for ~5-10% losses rather than 10-20% losses Depending on agreed communications strategy and tactics these could be as low as 2%
Recalibrating the Plan vCJD test delayed now anticipated 2011 Good progress on confirmatory assay Supply & Demand forecast suggests that we require between 190K to 193K active donors to cope with 5% losses This requires attendance frequencies between 1.57 and 1.55 respectively to withstand 5% losses At current attendance frequency we require 183K active donors (current level 181K)
Thank You - Any Questions?