Tutorial 9 Lanjun Zhou SEEM 3430
Outline Introduction to Assignment Phase 4 Transition to the new System (Chapter 13) – Making the transition to the new system – The migration plan – Postimplementation activities – Applying the concepts at Tune Source
Introduction to Assignment Phase 4 Final Report – System Introduction (20%) – Requirement Specification report (10%) – System Analysis report (10%) – System Design report (10%) – Implementation Plan (50%)
Introduction to Assignment Phase 4 System introduction – System description: Overview of the processes the system is intended to support. – Assumptions and Constraints Resource availability and skill sets, (Hardware) Software and other technology to be reused or purchased, Constraints associated with product interfaces.
Introduction to Assignment Phase 4 Implementation Plan – User Manual – Test plan – Staff plan – Time plan
User Documentation Detailed description: P456~P463 of the text book Requirements: – Procedures manuals and Tutorials
Test Plan Only Unit Test – Unit tests focus on one unit—a program or a program module that performs a specific function that can be tested. Only Black-box Testing – The tester focuses on whether the unit meets the requirements stated in the program specifications.
Test Plan
Staff Plan RoleProject Responsibility Skills Required Number of Staff Required Estimated Start Date Duration Required Software developer Implement the systemGet familiar with Java and have computer science background 1Jan Months Role Requirement Training Needs Role/Staff ResourceTraining NeedTimeframe Needed Anticipa ted Cost Suggested Vendor/Method Software developerInvite a system designer to held a whole day session of tutorial for developer to know the detail of the new system. 1 day1,500HK$Seminar
Time Plan : Gantt chart Time arrangement for major tasks First Level (if waterfall model is adopted) Second Level (Implementation as an example)
Assignment Phase 4 You are encouraged to find more reference for making an excellent report.
Q & A
Making the transition to the new system It is difficult for people to change. Lewin’s three-step model – unfreeze – move – refreeze
The migration plan Specify what activities will be performed when and by whom as the transition is made from the old to new system.
Preparing the business
Selecting the Conversion Strategy The process by which the new system is introduced into the organization.
Characteristics of Conversion strategies
Preparing a Business Contingency Plan Help the business withstand relatively small problems with the new system. Parallel conversion is one approach to contingency planning. During the development of the migration plan, the project team should devote some attention to: – identifying the worst case scenarios for the project – understanding the total business impact of those worst case scenarios – developing procedures and workarounds that will enable the business to withstand those events
Preparing the Technology Buy and install any needed hardware. Install the software Convert the data from the as-is system to the to-be system
Preparing the People
Understanding Resistance to Change People who will use the new system need help to adopt and adapt to the new system. People resist change. When people are presented with an opportunity for change, they perform a cost- benefit analysis. – The cost of benefits form the system – The costs and benefits associated with the actual transition process itself.
Understanding Resistance to Change Cost and Benefits of Change
Revising Management Policies Management policies provides goals, define how work processes should be performed, and determine how organizational members are rewarded. Three basic tools for structuring work processes in organizations: – Standard operating procedures – How people assign meaning to events – Resource allocation
Assessing Cost and Benefits Develop two clear and concise lists of costs and benefits provided by the new system (and the transition to it). – From the perspective of the organization – From the viewpoints of the different potential adopters expected to change, or stakeholders in the change.
Motivating Adoption Most important factor – Provide clear and convincing evidence of the need for change. Two basic strategies: – Informational and political. To convince potential adopters that the change is for the better (cost-benefit) To motivate the change using organizational power – Often used simultaneously
Enabling Adoption: Training What to train – How to use the system Training for business systems should focus on helping the users to accomplish their jobs, not on how to use the system. How to train – Classroom training – One-to-one training – Computer-based training
Selecting a Training Method
Postimplementation Activities Goal – To institutionalize the use of the new system Three key postimplementation activities: – System support Help the user to use the system. – System maintenance Refine the system to make sure it continues to meet business needs. More money and effort are devoted to system maintenance than to the initial development – Project assessment Understand what was successful about the system and the project activities and what needs to be improved.
Example Installation of the Digital Music Download system at Tune Source – There was no as-is system – Most changes would be felt by the staff Assist customers using the in-store kiosks to buy music downloads CEO did not expect any major problems in this change
Implementation Process Installing the in-store kiosks and training the staff in all 50 of Tune Source’s stores – The in-store kiosks are new and not changing any old functions – Style? Direct – Locations? Pilot
Preparing the People Issues – Existing staff has to change (internal transfer etc.) – New staff are hired Information campaign discussed the reasons for the change New management policies were developed with a training plan – Classroom training
Postimplementation Activities Support of the system System maintenance Develop the next version – Optimizing searches, fast flawless file transfer protocols. Preliminary system review – Increase of sale – Operating expenses
Thanks! Q&A