Port of Santos Cargo Statistics Port of Santos - Trade Statistics / June 2010
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics 83,2 81,1 80,8 76,3 71,9 67,6 60,1 53,5 48,1 Cargo Throughput in the Port of Santos INMILLION TONSINMILLION TONS
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics Cargo Throughput in the Port of Santos INMILLION TONSINMILLION TONS Note: 2010 Up to june
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics Port of Santos - Cargo Throughput Split by Navigation INMILLION TONSINMILLION TONS Note Up to june
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics INMILLION TONSINMILLION TONS Port of Santos - Monthly and Cumulative Throughput (2010)
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics Port of Santos - Cargo Split by Charge / Discharge (2010) Note: 2010 up to june
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics Container Throughput - Port of Santos - TEU
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics Container Throughput - Leader Brazilian Ports - in 2009 (TEU) source : Antaq
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics INMILLION TONSINMILLION TONS Source: Cepal Container Throughput - Latin America - Leader Ports - in 2009 (TEU)
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics INUNITSINUNITS Port of Santos Vehicles Throughput – in units (Roll -on / Roll-off)
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics Cargo Description % Change (2010) General Cargo Container 11,228,238 13,136, Loose Cargo 1,661,578 2,416, Dry Bulk Sugar 5,848,138 6,939, Fertilizer 709, , Coal 1,210,424 1,909, Sulphur 574, , Rice bran N/A 404,451 Corn 835, , Iron ore N/A 339,952 Citric Pellets 114,618 72, Salt 446, , Soy in grains 6,771,637 7,372, Soy in pellets 923, , Wheat 697, , Liquid Bulk Diesel / Fuel Oil (Bunkering) 646,592 1,054, Phosphoric acid 22,073 83, Ethanol 945, , Ammonia 136, , Estirene 43,473 89, LPG 365, , Gasoline 685, , Nafta 159, , Combustible Oil 1,085, , Vegetal Oil 115, , Gas Oil / Diesel 857, , Caustic Soda 393, , Citric Juice 816, , Xylene 15,936 21, Cargo Throughput - Port of Santos (in tons) Note: cargo traffic up to june Port of Santos Leadership of the Total Brazil Exported (in value)
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics Brazilian Foreign Trade Balance Share - Split by place (2010) note : up to june 2010 / source: MDIC Port of Santos TEC / Cargo Description% Orange Juice * Orange Juice Frozen * Coffee * Sugar * Bovine Meat * Sugar, other * Vehicles *
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics Brazilian Foreign Trade Balance Share - Split by place (2010) note : up to june 2010 In %
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics note : up to june 2010 Port of Santos - Share in the Maritime Modal - International Cargoes (2010)
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics Port of Santos Vessel Calls - Time spend at the berths (2010) note: up to june 2010 Vessel calls - 2,575 up to june
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics Port Of Santos - Cargo Traffic Throughput - Since
Port of Santos Cargo Statistics Port of Santos - Trade Statistics / June 2010