Bottom of the sea
On June 1, 2009 an Air France plane, which made the Rio flight to Paris, crashed into the Atlantic, killing 228 people. Pieces of the aircraft were located and collected, but the black box of the plane was never found, despite numerous attempts to locate it in the depths of the sea. It must be recorded times of great despair.
The seabed is a figurative language that uses the Bible to show the place where God when he forgives us, throw our sins and forgets them. Someone said that God has placed in the sea with a sign that read: It is prohibited to fish.
It is written: "Who, O God, is like you, who pardons iniquity and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? The Lord does not stay angry forever but delight in mercy. Will again have compassion on us, he will subdue our iniquities and cast all our sins into the sea (Micah 7:18-19).
Some people, however, that live attached to the mistakes of the past, and already forgiven. Occasionally they try to fish, remember some of these errors. And suffer, for not understanding that these sins lie in the sea of forgetfulness.
When this occurs, remember that Jesus Christ has paid that debt with his precious blood shed on the cross, and their sins, washed in the blood of the Lamb of God, became targets as snow (Isaiah 1:18).
Remember that you no longer have to pay anything in this or in addition, because "there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). When God forgives us our sins are completely eradicated, and while metastases.
They say that remembering the past is to live twice, and that those who live in the past is the museum. There is a very appropriate text in the Bible for those who live to remember the wrong things in his life and that God was played by the sea of forgetfulness, "I want to recall what I can give hope" (Lamentations 3:21).
Why live haunted by past mistakes? What hope is there in them? If your sins have been confessed and forgiven, you're a person justified before God and freed by Jesus Christ. Water does not move past the mill. Smile, live life without the weight of the shackles that bound him to the past.
Confessed sin is sin forgiven; thrown into the deep sea, off the Book of Life. It is prohibited to fish in March Do not try to fish, and do not let others want to catch you.
Credits: Formating: Wesley Simões (Brazil) Text: botton of the sea (Manoel Nerivaldo Lopes) Music: Corciolli white (Peace) Contact: More posts: Have one day blessed