DEHN + SÖHNE Lightning and Surge Protection according to IEC 62305
Damage due to Lightning and Surges Lightning and Surge Protection
Danger due to Lightning Strokes approx. 1,900,000 lightning strokes in Germany per year* ABC Company MCR 2 km data telephone 110 kV mobile phone 400/230 V TV *Ref.: BLIDS, Siemens AG, Analysis of 2001 - 2005 Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning flasches cloud to earth Quelle: Lightning and Surge Protection
Branch-specific Costs caused by a One-hour Loss of Production Costs of a one-hour loss of production Branch Paper approx. 10,000 € Brewery approx. 10,000 € Car Industry Supplier approx. 12,500 € Power Stations approx. 90,000 € Car Industry approx. 250,000 € (depending on the section) Computing Centre approx. 500,000 € (the potential data loss can no longer be quantified) Lightning and Surge Protection
Generation and Effects Lightning and Surge Protection
Causes of Surges due to Lightning Discharges Direct lightning strike: Distant lightning Strike: 2a Strike into medium- voltage overhead lines 2b Surge travelling waves on overhead lines due to cloud-to-cloud lightning 1 Striking of external lightning protection system, process structure (in industrial plants), cables etc. Rst 1a Voltage drop at the implse earthing resistance Rst L1 L2 L3 PEN 20 kV 1b Induced voltage in loops 2c Fields of the lightning strike IT network power supply Lightning and Surge Protection
Galvanic Coupling Lightning Voltage for a System Lightning Prot. Level Current amplitude kA I 200 II 150 III - IV 100 i t î wave form 10 / 350 µs Ref.: IEC 62305 EBB Rst ûE = î · Rst Example: ûE = 100 kA · 1 = 100 kV Surge Protection
Influences on Electrical Installations Causes of Surges Direct lightning strike (LEMP) Galvanic coupling Inductive / Capacitive coupling Indirect lightning strike Conducted partial lightning currents Inductive / Capacitive coupling M Surges (SEMP) Switching operations Earth faults / Short circuits Tripping fuses Parallel installation of power and IT conductor systems Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning Current Parameters according to IEC 62305 Parameters Lightning Protection Level I II III-IV I (kA) 200 150 100 W/R (MJ/) 10 5.6 2.5 Qs (As) 100 75 50 Q long (As) 200 150 100 Lightning and Surge Protection
International Standardisation Lightning and Surge Protection
IEC 62305 International lightning protection standard IEC 62305-1 General Principles IEC 62305-2 Risk Management IEC 62305-3 Physical Damage to Structures and Life Hazard IEC 62305-4 Electrical and Electronic Systems Lightning and Surge Protection
IEC 62305 International lightning protection standard 62305-1 General Principles 62305-2 Risk 62305-3 Physical damage and life hazard 62305-4 Electrical- and electronic systems Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning and Surge Protection IEC 62305-2 Risk Management By working through series of formulae the process allows the user to decide what protection is required. The actual risk (R) must be below the tolerable level (Rt). The ultimate protection may be the installation of a LPS system. Direct strike lightning arresters (LEMP) and surge arresters (SEMP). Lightning and Surge Protection
IEC 62305-3 Physical damage to structures and life hazard Introduction a) External LPS (air termination system, down contuctor‘s, earth termination system). b) An internal LPS (preventing dangerous sparking using equipotential bonding or separation distance (hence electrical insulation) between external LPS and internal metalwork. Lightning and Surge Protection
IEC 62305-4 Electrical- and electronic systems within structures Scope: Provides information for design, installation, inspection, maintenance and testing of a LEMP protection system (LPM) for electrical and electronic systems within a structure able to reduce risk of permanent failure due to LEMP. Basic protection measures in a LPM system Earthing and Bonding Magnetic shielding and line routing Direct strike and surge protection Lightning and Surge Protection
Standardisation of Surge Protective Devices IEC 61643-1 Performance Requirements of Surge Protective Devices for Low-Voltage Power Supply Systems Class I Protection Against Direct Lightning Currents (Lightning Current Arrester) (10/350 µs) Class II Protection Against Indirect Lightning Effects (Surge Arrester) (8/20 µs) Class III Protection Against Switching Overvoltages (Surge Arrester) (1.2/50 µs; 8/20 µs) Lightning and Surge Protection
External Lightning Protection System Air Termination System Downconductor Earth Termination System Lightning and Surge Protection
External Lightning Protection System air termination system down conductor earth termination system Lightning and Surge Protection
EMC-orientated Lightning Protection Zones Concept Lightning and Surge Protection
EMC-Orientated Lightning Protection Zones Concept Surge Protection Seminar 2006 LEMP air-termination system down- conductor system LPZ 0 A Lightning equipotential bonding Lightning current arrester (SPD Type 1) LPZ 0 B Local equipotential bonding Surge arrester (SPD Type 2, SPD Type 3) M LPZ 1 LEMP spatial shield terminal device air ventilation LPZ 3 LPZ 2 LEMP LPZ 0 C power supply system SEMP IT system steel reinforcement foundation earthing electrode Lightning and Surge Protection 06_LPZ Conzept
Internal Lightning Protection Lightning Equipotential Bonding Surge Protection Coordination Lightning and Surge Protection
Internal Lightning Protection System Based on IEC 62305-4 Equipotential Bonding at the Boundary of LPZ Equipotential bonding for all metal parts and supply lines (e.g. metal pipes, electrical power or data lines) which are entering at the boundary of an internal LPZ shall be carried out at equipotential bonding bars which are installed as closely as possible to the point of entry. SPDs with suitable power carrying capacity for electrical power and data lines at the point of entry into the LPZ have always to be installed. Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning Equipotential Bonding for incoming Lines EBB LPZ 0 LPZ 1 power supply external lightning protection system water gas M heating cathodic protected tank pipe foundation earthing electrode Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning current arrester Lightning and Surge Protection
Internal Lightning Protection Surge Protective Devices Based on IEC 62305-4 Surge protective devices for lightning equipotential bonding must be capable of safely controlling the partial lightning currents to be expected to flow through them. For this purpose, surge protective devices are chosen according to the requirements on site and installed in accordance with IEC 60364-5-53 The residual voltage at the surge protective device installed into the building, has to be coordinated with the impulse withstand capability of the installation. Surge protective devices Class I to be installed at the entry of the building, keep a significant part of the power of lightning currents away from the inside of the building. Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning and Surge Protection What is a Lightning Current Arrester installed into a Power Supply System supposed to perform? Discharging of lightning currents several times without desctruction of the equipment. = Discharge capacity 100 kA (10/350 µs) Providing of a lower voltage protection level than the voltage strength of the downstream installation. Extinguishing or limiting of mains follow currents. Ensuring of the energy coordination to downstream surge protective devices and/or terminal equipment. Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning and Surge Protection 1 Test Impulse Curent for Lightning Current Arresters 2 Test Impulse Current for Surge Arresters 1 10/350 100 50 2.5 · 106 IEC 62305-1 2 8/20 5 0.1 0.4 · 103 EN 60060-2 100 kA Wave form µs] i max. [kA] Q [As] W/R [J/] Standard I (kA) 80 kA 60 kA 50 kA 40 kA 1 20 kA 2 20 µs 200 µs 350 µs 600 µs 800 µs 1000 µs t (µs) Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning and Surge Protection Overvoltage Categories according to IEC 60364-4-44 Use of Surge Protective Devices (SPD) rated voltage withstand voltage 6 kV 4 kV voltage protection level 2.5kV 2.5 kV household appliances 1.5 kV sensitive devices 1.5 kV SDB terminal device SE M 230/400 V SPD Type 1 2 3 3 (SPD class) (I) (II) (III) (IV) Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning and Surge Protection What is a Surge Arrester installed into a Power Supply System supposed to perform? Discharging of impulse currents (8/20 µs) several times without destroying the terminal equipment = 20 x nominal discharge capacity 5 - 20 kA (8/20 µs) Voltage protection level lower than the electrical strength of the downstream terminal devices = Voltage protection level 1,500 V Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning and Surge Protection Overvoltage Categories according to IEC 60364-4-44 Use of Surge Protective Devices (SPD) rated voltage withstand voltage 6 kV 4 kV voltage protection level 2.5kV 2.5 kV household appliances 1.5 kV sensitive devices 1.5 kV SDB terminal device SE M 230/400 V SPD Type 1 2 3 3 (SPD class) (I) (II) (III) (IV) Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning and Surge Protection Coordination of SPDs Lightning and Surge Protection
Energy Coordination of SPDs Based on IEC 62305-4 As soon as two or more SPDs are connected in series, the coordination of the SPDs and the equipment to be protected has to be checked. Energy coordination is achieved as soon as the ratio of energy for all impulse currents for each SPD is equal or less than corresponds to its power withstand capability. The power withstand capability can be determined – by an electrical test according to IEC 61643-1, – from the technical data of the manufacturer of the SPDs Conclusion: The coordination of the SPDs can only be verified by the manufacturer! Lightning and Surge Protection
Energy Coordination of Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) input interference; lightning impulse current 10/350 µs residual interference impulse current 8/20 µs residual interference uncritical for terminal device terminal device ? 230 / 400 V varistor S 20 K 275 DEHNbloc® M DEHNguard ® S DEHNsafe Lightning and Surge Protection
Energy Coordination Overview: SPDs Type 1 M SDB SE 230/400 V Combined SPD Voltage protection level £ 1.5 kV DEHNventil® M DEHNventil® ZP Terminal Unit Red / Line Type 3 DEHNbloc® M DEHNgap M Red / Line Type 2 Red / Line Type 3 Terminal Unit Coordinated lightning current arrester Voltage protection level £ 2.5 kV Red / Line Type 2 Red / Line Type 3 DEHNbloc® H Terminal Unit Lightning current arrester Voltage protection level £ 4 kV Surge Protection
Examples of Lightning current and surge arrester Lightning and Surge Protection
DEHNventil® M Characteristics Low voltage protection level = Protection for terminal devices Capable of carrying lightning currents = For use in lightning protection level Easy exchange of protection modules ... Plastic snap-in device with “parking position“ = Quick installation ... due to module releasing button Leakage-current-free operating state and fault indication for all protective circuits Coding in base part and protection module = Safe application Remote signalling contact as floating changeover contact Leakage-current-free protective circuit = Allows for use upstream of meter panels Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning and Surge Protection Coordinated lightning current arrester DEHNbloc M Type: DB M 1 255 (FM) / Part No.: 961 120 (961 125) Coordinated, single-pole Type 1 lightning current arrester in accordance with EN 61643-11 with a modular device design Type of connection to earth TN/TT 230/400 V a.c. Maximum continuous operating voltage a.c. UC = 255 V a.c. RADAX-Flow technology Encapsulated, non-exhausting creepage spark gap Follow current extinguishing capability a.c.: up to 50 kArms Directly coordinated to DEHNguard S 275 (FM) surge protective devices without additional cable length Lightning impulse current (10/350 μs): 50 kA Voltage protection level 2.5 kV Optionally available with remote signalling contact for central monitoring units (floating changeover contact) Lightning and Surge Protection
Red / Line DEHNguard® M Family SPD Type 2 DEHNguard® M TNC 275 (FM) DEHNguard® M TNS 275 (FM) DEHNguard® M TT 275 (FM) DEHNguard® M TN 275 (FM) DEHNguard® M TT 2P 275 (FM) DEHNguard® S (FM) Lightning and Surge Protection
DEHNguard M Family Characteristics High-capacity varistor-based SPD - Nominal discharge current In (20x) = 20 kA (8/20 µs) - Maximum discharge current Imax (1x) = 40 kA (8/20 µs) - Low voltage protection level at In = 1.25 kV High safety due to Thermo Dynamic Control SPD controlling device Operating state and fault indication of all protective circuits, free of operating and leakage currents Energy coordinated within the Red/Line product family 5 application-specific circuit types with and without remote signalling contact = 10 types of devices Lightning and Surge Protection
Lightning and Surge Protection Surge Protective Device Type 3 Use in Distribution Boards / Switchgear Cabinets SPS Protector DEHNrail modular (FM) DEHNrail M 4P 255 Lightning and Surge Protection
Characteristics of the DEHNrail M (DR M ....) Series Discharge current up to 8 kA Different nominal voltages, from 24 V up to 230 V Maximum operating current: 25 A Low voltage protection level L to N and L/N to PE Operating state and fault indication, free of operating and leakage currents Lightning and Surge Protection