BACKGROUND Housing 3,000: Chronic Homeless Policy Academy, Subcommittee of the WA Inter-Agency Council on Homelessness Strategic Plan: Prioritize housing resources for individuals who are chronically homeless TA (not funding) opportunity for small # of pilot projects HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
WHY CONVERT TO PSH Cost Effective Improves Outcomes Long-term Resident Stability National and State-wide Policy HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
COST EFFECTIVE, IMPROVES OUTCOMES & STABILITY Reduces systems costs (emergency, medical, shelter, law enforcement) PSH for chronic inebriates in Seattle saved $30,000/year per person Improves health, reduces substance use, prevents recidivism Supports self-governance and stability – 84% remain housed HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
NATIONAL AND STATE-WIDE POLICY Growing body of research motivating investment in PSH PSH/TH inventory gap Growing numbers of chronically homeless persons Recoup system costs for other uses HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
TH CONVERSION INITIATIVE TIMELINE Jan 7: Application released Jan 21: Application due Feb 4: Requests for further information sent to select candidates Feb 11: Submissions of further information due Feb 18: Notification of final decision Feb – July: TA implementation HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
WHO SHOULD APPLY AND TA PROVIDED Committed programs with diverse barriers to conversion, representing challenges common in WA TA will support addressing these barriers Pilots will lead to development of state toolkit Applicants can include TH programs that already reallocated CoC funding in 2013/2014 NOFAs HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
SIX INDICATORS FOR CONVERSION READINESS (CSH) 1.Organization Commitment 2.Program Orientation 3.Financials 4.Physical Plant 5.Population 6.Performance Measures Note: Applicant programs do not need to meet all six indicators to be selected for TA. HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
ORG COMMITMENT & PROGRAM ORIENTATION Commitment from all levels of organization; consistent with mission Prepared for changes in population, day-to-day operations Culture shift to long-term tenancy in permanent community, Housing First How much change to staffing model, program rules, eligibility criteria, and lease/participant agreement? HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
FINANCIALS AND PHYSICAL PLANT Overall good financial health, can withstand potential funding gaps Conflicts with existing funding sources? Facility condition and quality Facility configuration consistent with permanent housing Examples: individual units vs. dormitory style; separate vs. shared entry/exits, kitchens, baths HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
POPULATION & PERFORMANCE MEASURES What percent of program population includes persons with disabilities? Chronic homeless? Staffing changes and training required to adjust to new population and program goals? What are program’s rates of stay, placement, retention? Long stays and low placement could be better as PSH; high performing TH program might not make sense to convert HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Zoning Restrictive covenants Mix of existing housing inventory and local needs HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
FIRST PHASE Initial application available January 7 at: Application/ Application/ Responses due January 21 Application should take around 45 minutes Must be completed in single sitting Agencies seeking TA to convert multiple properties must submit an application for each property HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
SECOND PHASE Requests for further information sent out to select candidates on Feb 4 Further information due Feb 11 Final decisions Feb 18 TA begins Feb/March HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
EVALUATION CRITERIA Diversity of projects Diverse barriers to conversion, geography, urban/rural, families/singles, financing, physical plant Feasibility of conversion Ability to start process in early 2015 Anticipated challenges and barriers to conversion (e.g., failure to satisfy Six Indicators) will not prevent an applicant from being selected. HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness
QUESTIONS? For more information, contact HomeBase Advancing Solutions to Homelessness