The First Man on the Moon It was 1961 when the president of the U.S.A wanted to put a man on the moon.The president of NASA said he could do it. Apollo11 blasted off on the 16th of July 1969, the mission was for two men to land on the moon and return to Earth safely. Neil Armstrong and Collin Aldrin landed on the moon on the 20th July and returned on the 24th.
Apollo 13 lands on moon
NASA is a space station. It is in America and lots of rockets took of from there like Apollo11. Apollo11 was the first rocket to go to the Moon and return. NASA space station is huge (as you can see)
Past, Present and the Future In the past: people dreamed about going into space.Eventually in 1969 the NASA created a rocket able to withstand the heat of the Atmosphere Now: there are many space rockets going into space and NASA are even thinking about making a town on the moon. In the future: no one knows what NASA will do next but maybe they will create space rest Futuristic Spaceship
Rockets There are lots of different types of spacecraft, But all rockets have these sections to it: The external tank, the solid rocket booster and the orbiter. These are the main parts.