Commonwealth Local Government Forum CLGF Achievements Secretary-General’s Report
CLGF- essential Bio-data 160 members in 47 Commonwealth countries Uniquely groups central and local government Board represents all regions and associates Accredited status within Commonwealth Small staff c 20 in London, Africa, Asia, Pacific Aims: To promote democratic local government- strengthen LG capacity-share good practice-build CLGF’s LG membership
CHOGM Success The 2011 CHOGM in Perth: -‘supported and upheld the role and place of local government, in partnership with the private sector, for promoting strategies for localism, sustainable development and economic growth and supported the implementation of the Cardiff Consensus for Local Economic Development in the Commonwealth’
Proactive Advocacy Strategy 2011 CHOGM & EPG review results in closer partnership with Comsec- E Africa, Sri Lanka New Commonwealth Charter – incorporates Aberdeen Principles CLGF inputs to CMAG –Maldives; also Pakistan Commonwealth election observers- Sierra Leone, Kenya SG Sharma at 2012 Board meeting
Forging Key Partnerships Formal MOU signed with UNDP Administrator Partner in PLATFORMA; met EU Cyprus/Irish Presidency- new EU Communication on LG Establishment, new East African LG Forum; cooperation SADC LG Ministers Engagement with DeLOG LG donors’ network Participation World Urban Forum, UN Habitat d
Ensuring Practical Outcomes 20 GPS projects complete: improved waste management better LED, stronger governance GPS dissemination of good practice 500+ LG practitioners- Ghana, India, S Leone, S Africa Inclusive Cities Network + Pacific Capital Cities Forum: sharing good practices at city level EU ARIAL resources supporting regional/ national LGAs in Africa, Caribbean & Pacific
Securing New Funding for LG work £4.5m DFID programme - focus on Africa/Asia and wider Commonwealth advocacy work Joint policy events and research with UNDP/UNCDF- Africa; Asia-Pacific Pacific: AusAID/NZ regional programme Caribbean: partner in C$21m CIDA/CARILED; launched at 2011 Board Belize Board New South Sudan project (EU)
High Level Policy Dialogue Undertaken in all regions: Africa – Kigali, Arusha, Luanda Asia – Colombo Pacific – Honiara Caribbean – Belize Europe – Valetta, Nicosia Also ICN- Surrey, BC; Port of Spain
Taking forward Cardiff Consensus Formal endorsement at 2011 CHOGM Policies applied by members- eg Ghana Mainstreamed into CLGF work- Africa, Pacific Focus of CARILED programme in Caribbean Promoted in CLGF e-journal, research studies
Improved Governance & Operations New Governance structures implemented –EC, Board portfolio holders Improved and updated Business Plan Member communications- website, e-bulletin Review, Membership retention/fees strategy Research officer appointed More/stronger regional programme offices
LG at the Heart of Development Statement to Post 2015 UN High Level Panel Input, Africities, UN and EU policy discussions Participation, LG Global Task Force, Istanbul Participation, UN Global Consultations, S Africa Kampala – formal UNDP/CLGF consultations
CLGF - Punching above its Weight 2011 DFID evaluation: ‘CLGF is a niche international organisation with clear strengths, most notably the breath of its membership and the high levels of trust and ownership across its membership. Whilst it is arguably punches above its weight and is delivering across an impressive number of fronts through direct capacity building programmes through broader policy and advocacy work.’