D ISTRICT and C LUB database Today’s Agenda: 10 minutesRI MOP requirements 10 minutesWHAT DACdb does for you 60 minutesHands-ON Guided Practice 20 minutes Review Optional Modules: Weekly Attendance, Dues/Invoicing, and Club Web Sites 20 minutesReview, Q&A for your Club
D ISTRICT and C LUB database ONLY 1 Handout:
D ISTRICT and C LUB database ONLY 1 Handout: plus, 2 LOG IN (shortcuts): 1)
D ISTRICT and C LUB database ONLY 1 Handout: plus, 2 LOG IN (shortcuts): 1) 2) DACdb ICON on desktop
Rotary International, your Rotary District, and especially your club, all have high expectations of you, as your club’s Secretary OK…I’m a new Club Secretary…Now what?
The Club Secretary is arguably the most important cog in your Rotary club’s wheel! (Don’t tell the president) You are the nerve center of your club!
OK…I’m a new Club Secretary…Now what? The Club Secretary is arguably the most important cog in your Rotary club’s wheel! You are the nerve center of your club! You will have many duties to perform, and like everyone else, your time is limited.
Club Secretary Duties Required by Rotary International: from: Standard Club Bylaws, Article 3, section 4 Section 4 — Secretary. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep membership records; record attendance at meetings; send out notices of club, board, and committee meetings; record and preserve the minutes of such meetings; report as required to RI, including the semiannual reports of membership on 1 January and 1 July of each year, which shall include per capita dues for all members and prorated dues for active members who have been elected to membership in the club since the start of the July or January semiannual reporting period; report changes in membership; provide the monthly attendance report, which shall be made to the district governor within 15 days of the last meeting of the month; collect and remit RI official magazine subscriptions; and perform other duties as usually pertain to the office of secretary. 266 MANUAL OF PROCEDURE 2007
Keep records of club membership (New, Chgs, Term); send to RI Record attendance at all meetings (send Monthly Attendance to the District Secretary, within 15 days of the last meeting of the month) Club Secretary Duties Required by Rotary International: from: Standard Club Bylaws, Article 3, section 4
Send required reports to RI, including the Semi-Annual Report (SAR) of club membership as of January 1 and July 1 Club Secretary Duties Required by Rotary International: from: Standard Club Bylaws, Article 3, section 4
Report any changes in club meeting location, time, or day to RI Report the election of club officers for the ensuing Rotary year by 31 December of each year to RI Club Secretary Duties Required by Rotary International: from: Standard Club Bylaws, Article 3, section 4
Maintain and update the club’s weekly attendance and membership records – keeping in touch with Membership and Classifications Committees in your club; plus, communicating with the Treasurer on meal charges, make-up credits, etc. Tasks Expected of the Club Secretary
Also, maintain minutes of meetings and archive all club records for easy access And, do ANYTHING ELSE your club asks of you!
And remember, don’t forget to put on your SuperMan cape… Tasks Expected of the Club Secretary
Using DACdb makes your life easier ALL of these tasks, and more, can easily be done using the… D ISTRICT a nd C LUB d ata b ase ( DACdb ) ( pronounced: daK-dee-bee) Less TIME with Less STRESS…
Using DACdb makes your life easier ALL of these tasks, and more, can easily be done ALL on 1 screen… Click on the MY CLUB tab Less TIME with Less STRESS…
Upload electronic copies of your club bulletin (and for archival purposes) Add items to your club calendar Coordinate scheduling of projects with other clubs’ Events How YOU Can Enhance Your Club’s Mission
You can create and manage all of your club’s committees on the database You can easily print out a Club Roster, Membership Directory, TRF Giving, and Attendance check-in sheets, plus lots of other club reports How YOU Can Enhance Your Club’s Mission
You can easily communicate on a “personal” level with one or all of your club members by using the P-MAIL feature built into the DACdb system “Dear Rotarian MIKE” How YOU Can Enhance Your Club’s Mission
Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members BUBBLES UP to RI via Direct Connect - CLUBS must choose this option at ROTARY.org - Changes happens in minutes vs. days - Step-by-Step instructions on HINTS page D ISTRICT and C LUB database
Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members BUBBLES UP to RI via Direct Connect - Step-by-Step instructions on HINTS page D ISTRICT and C LUB database
Effective Communications: between the District, Clubs and Members Smartphone – for Your CLUB Directory All this information about your Membership, Club, Committees, Club Calendar and the District Calendar is now on your Smartphone … …Just LOG IN as a ROTARIAN D ISTRICT and C LUB database
Logging In Remember, lots of HELP is available… has all these materials, and much more…
And, sometimes you just need a FRIEND… There are District people and our Tech Support
And, we take your Privacy and Security of the data very seriously:
D ISTRICT and C LUB database LOG IN URL: Or, use the “shortcut ICON” on your Desktop:
Logging In Click the EZ link in a PMAIL #05 message (and, let Remember Me fill in the values) User Name (usually your address) and Password (usually your RI MemberID # ) and YOU ARE READY TO BEGIN!
Logging In Click the EZ link in a PMAIL #05 message
Logging In
1)Your address 2)Your RI MemberID 3) Or, just click on link in PMAIL #05 YourDesktopYourDesktop Logging In
Getting Started Our User interface is very “intuitive”… - Just click on a “TAB” and follow the instructions found within. And remember, ALL Club Officer functions are found under the My Club tab
Getting Started My CLUB tab
37 Getting Started
Look for the “POWER BUTTONS” – those brightly colored buttons that take you to the various actions you can take within your club or member’s record The “POWER BUTTONS” allow you to use the functions built into the database Getting Started
39 Getting Started
40 Remember, ALL activities affecting the management of your club’s information can be found under the My CLUB tab Getting Started
As a club officer (or an officer-elect), you are automatically given the Security LEVEL 4, to maintain your club and members’ data Note: You can not make changes to any other club, members or committees outside of your club. Getting Started
You will have the ability to……… Maintain your own CLUB record Maintain any member’s record in your CLUB ADD/CHANGE/DELETE members on any committee in your CLUB Getting Started
44 Getting Started Select EDIT Member
Getting Started EDIT Member from VIEW
Getting Started EDITING Member data
Getting Started EDIT Club Positions
Getting Started EDIT Club Positions
Getting Started EDIT Club Positions
You will have the ability to… View or print all reports for your CLUB, including Membership Directory, with photos Submit “club events or fund raisers” to the Club calendar so they can be viewed by all clubs and in the District calendar Getting Started
Add a Calendar Event
List Calendar Events
53 List Calendar Events
You have the ability to……… Send “P-MAIL” (Personalized ) ALL your Club members, in just a couple clicks Many “templates” already available Save your OWN templates Getting Started
P-MAIL PMAIL to ALL Club Members
56 P-MAIL A menu of preformatted PMAIL templates are already defined.
58 You will have the ability to……… Submit "club bulletins”, minutes and other documents; and archive them on the database – and you have 250Mb of storage available to your club. Getting Started
Also, you have the ability to… View the public data for any Member or Club in your district Find any Member, and view their public contact information Getting Started
VERY IMPORTANT: Make all of your changes at once… BUT, you MUST click the “UPDATE” button, or your changes will not be recorded! Getting Started
Finally, we have documentation for each function for the Club Secretary... Getting Started
SUCCESS! Now all you have to do, is USE the DACdb system to help make your club “HUM” and stop “Hmmmming!” So, “What’s stopping you now?”
SmartPhone Mobile Access www. DACdb.mobi
Use same Login values as the District & Club database for inquiries on your Smart Phones SmartPhone Mobile Access
In your browser: (Safari) www. DACdb.com U: P: SmartPhone Mobile Access
www. DACdb.com SmartPhone Mobile Access
Quick Access: - Address - Phone Numbers - Name & Address -Calendar of Event SmartPhone Mobile Access
Adding the ICON as an APP on HOME First time you go to the site SmartPhone Mobile Access
www. DACdb.com
SmartPhone Mobile Access www. DACdb.mobi Smart Phone “screen layout” on your: - iPAD - Laptop use your “browser”
D ISTRICT and C LUB database
“Drawing a LINE in the SAND”
D ISTRICT and C LUB database “Drawing a LINE in the SAND” Optional PREMIUM MODULES for CLUBS:
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1.Weekly Attendance Reporting 2. DUES & Invoicing 3. Club Web Site Less TIME with Less Stress
Examples and Costs SERVICE Above Self
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1.Weekly Attendance Reporting - Add a Meeting in just a couple clicks
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1.Weekly Attendance Reporting - Add a Meeting in just a couple clicks - Positive, Negative, Bar Code Scans
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1.Weekly Attendance Reporting - Add a Meeting in just a couple clicks - Positive, Negative, Bar Code Scans - Automatic PMAIL #10 to Absentees
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1.Weekly Attendance Reporting - Add a Meeting in just a couple clicks - Positive, Negative, Bar Code Scans - Automatic PMAIL #10 to Absentees - Automatic updating of Monthly Attend.
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1.Weekly Attendance Reporting - Add a Meeting in just a couple clicks - Positive, Negative, Bar Code Scans - Automatic PMAIL #10 to Absentees - Automatic updating of Monthly Attend. - Make Ups and Leave of Absences
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1.Weekly Attendance Reporting - Add a Meeting in just a couple clicks - Positive, Negative, Bar Code Scans - Automatic PMAIL #10 to Absentees - Automatic updating of Monthly Attend. - Make Ups and Leave of Absences - Correct Percentage Calculations, including your Rule of 85 members
SERVICE Above Self
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self 2. Club Invoicing – DUES - Generate Invoices in just 8-10 clicks
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self 2. Club Invoicing – DUES - Generate Invoices in just 8-10 clicks - POST to the Accounting system
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self 2. Club Invoicing – DUES - Generate Invoices in just 8-10 clicks - POST to the Accounting system - PRINT the Invoices
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self 2. Club Invoicing – DUES - Generate Invoices in just 8-10 clicks - POST to the Accounting system - PRINT the Invoices - PMAIL Invoices to Members w/
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self 2. Club Invoicing – DUES - Generate Invoices in just 8-10 clicks - POST to the Accounting system - PRINT the Invoices - PMAIL Invoices to Members w/ - Complete double-entry accounting, Chart of Accounts, and Reporting
SERVICE Above Self
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self 3.Club Web Sites: YourClub.RotaryClub.org - Standard (totally automated updating) Ex: VeroBeachSunrise.RotaryClub.org That “DOT” saves you at least $125
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self 3.Club Web Sites: Yourclub.RotaryClub.org - Standard (totally automated updating) VeroBeachSunrise. RotaryClub.org - Own Domain (integrated with database) Visit our examples web site at:
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self
PETS - Club Officers DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules ! SERVICE Above Self
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents Optional Club Premium Modules! SERVICE Above Self 1.Weekly Attendance Reporting ($156/yr*) 2. DUES & Invoicing ($156/yr*, +$197 ) 3. Club Web Site ($240/yr*, +$197 ) ALL 3 premium modules, bundle price: $449/yr** with just one setup fee of: $197 Less TIME with Less STRESS * Large Clubs (over 149 members) +$100 per module **BUNDLES: Small Clubs -$200; Large Clubs +$200
Examples and Costs SERVICE Above Self
103 D ISTRICT and C LUB database
D ISTRICT and C LUB database
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents New Features SERVICE Above Self 4. Dashboard for Club and District - Snapshot of Membership, Attendance, Calendar (Birthdays, Anniversaries) Review of Top 10 clubs: New Members
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents New Features SERVICE Above Self 4. Dashboard for Club and District - Snapshot of Membership, Attendance, Calendar (Birthdays, Anniversaries) - Edit your own club profile: like “FaceBook” Add late news items, photos, etc.
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents New Features SERVICE Above Self 4. Dashboard for Club and District - Snapshot of Membership, Attendance, Calendar (Birthdays, Anniversaries) - Edit your own club profile: like “FaceBook” - Count of Addresses and Photos, by club – great for Governor’s Club award
108 Thanks for attending today. Have a GREAT Rotary year!
D ISTRICT and C LUB database
D ISTRICT and C LUB database
Guided practice See who is on your District’s Assistant Governors Committee … just click on the COMMITTEES tab, and select the committee to VIEW
113 Guided practice W ho are your Assistant Governors ….
PETS - Club Presidents DACdb Presents New Features SERVICE Above Self
more Guided Practice
116 Log in to the DACdb Edit your own Member record … Just click on My CLUB and scroll down to Section 3 to find your record Or, Just click on the My DATA tab to view your record, then EDIT. Guided practice SUMMARY
Guided practice Log in to the DACdb
Built-in Security and Privacy …
Guided practice Edit your own Member record
Guided practice Or, Just click on the My DATA tab to view your record, then EDIT.
Make someone Public Relations Chair … Just click on My CLUB and scroll down to Section 3 to EDIT Club Positions NOW, change them back. Guided practice
Make someone PR Chair … Guided practice
Make someone PR Chair … -Just click on the PENCIL icon beside the PERSON that you want to set to a new CLUB POSITION -Please, do NOT click “UPDATE” Guided practice
Make someone PR Chair … -Just click on the PENCIL icon beside the PERSON that you want to set to a new CLUB POSITION - They now SHOW UP in Club Leaders (click My Club now to see updated leadership) Guided practice
– My CLUB Create a Membership Directory for your club… Go to CLUB REPORTS and choose #1 and choose “RUN/VIEW ON SCREEN” Guided practice
– My CLUB Create a Membership Directory Guided practice
127 FIND for a member with the last name “Johnson” in your district… under the My DATA tab… click the FIND a MEMBER (it is the first entry in sub-menu) Guided practice
FIND for a member with the last name “Johnson” in your district…. Guided practice
Send a “PMAIL” to yourself (which is always a good idea, when composing a lengthy message). Send a “PMAIL” to yourself (which is always a good idea, when composing a lengthy message). Just click on My DATA tab… (which is exactly the SAME as clicking VIEW a member, in Section 3 of My Club) Guided practice
Then, click the PMAIL envelope on the right side of the screen, just above your photo. Then, select #01 Dear Rotarian “template”. Then key-in your message and click SEND. (you could use any of the message templates already there!) Guided practice
Send PMAIL to Yourself Guided practice
Send a “PMAIL” to ALL the members of your club…..click on My CLUB and scroll down to Section 3. Send a “PMAIL” to ALL the members of your club…..click on My CLUB and scroll down to Section 3. Click the PMAIL button on the right side of the screen. Select #01 Dear Rotarian “template”. Then key-in your message and click SEND. ONLY ONE CLUB VOLUNTEER! (you could use any of the message templates already there!) Click the PMAIL button on the right side of the screen. Select #01 Dear Rotarian “template”. Then key-in your message and click SEND. ONLY ONE CLUB VOLUNTEER! (you could use any of the message templates already there!) Guided practice
Send a “PMAIL” to all the members of your club…using My Club, Section 3 Guided practice
Submit a “Monthly Attendance” report… again, using My CLUB, Section 1 - How many “Meetings” : 4 - How many “Members” : 57 - Average Attendance % : Of course, you should USE your club’s numbers Guided practice
Submit Monthly Attendance in My Club, Section 1 Guided practice