Chaos in Easter Island Ecology J. C. Sprott Department of Physics University of Wisconsin – Madison Presented at the Chaos and Complex Systems Seminar in Madison, WI on January 25, 2011
Easter Island
Chilean palm (Jubaea chilensis)
Easter Island History AD? First inhabitants arrive from Polynesia 1722 Jacob Roggevee (Dutch) visited Population: ~3000 1770’s Next foreign visitors 1860’s Peruvian slave traders Catholic missionaries arrive Population: 110 1888 Annexed by Chilie 2010 Popular tourist destination Population: 4888
Things should be explained as simply as possible, but not more simply. −Albert Einstein
All models are wrong; some models are useful. −George E. P. Box
Linear Model P is the population (number of people) γ is the growth rate (birth rate – death rate)
Linear Model γ = +1 γ = −1
Logistic Model
Attractor Repellor γ = +1
Lotka-Volterra Model P T Three equilibria: Coexisting equilibrium
η = 4.8 γ = 2.5 Brander-Taylor Model
η = 4.8 γ = 2.5 Brander-Taylor Model Point Attractor
Basener-Ross Model P T Three equilibria:
η = 25 γ = 4.4 Basener-Ross Model
η = 0.8 γ = 0.6 Basener-Ross Model Requires γ = 2η − 1 Structurally unstable
Poincaré-Bendixson Theorem In a 2-dimensional dynamical system (i.e. P,T), there are only 4 possible dynamics: 1. Attract to an equilibrium 2. Cycle periodically 3. Attract to a periodic cycle 4. Increase without bound Trajectories in state space cannot intersect
Invasive Species Model Four equilibria: 1. P = R = 0 2. R = 0 3. P = 0 4. coexistence
η P = 0.47 γ P = 0.1 η R = 0.7 γ R = 0.3 Chaos
Return map Fractal
γ P = 0.1 γ R = 0.3 η R = 0.7 Bifurcation diagram Lyapunov exponent Period doubling
γ P = 0.1 γ R = 0.3 η R = 0.7 Hopf bifurcation Crisis
Reduce harvesting
Eradicate the rats
Conclusions Simple models can produce complex and (arguably) realistic results. A common route to extinction is a Hopf bifurcation, followed by period doubling of a limit cycle, followed by increasing chaos. Systems may evolve to a weakly chaotic state (“edge of chaos”). Careful and prompt slight adjustment of a single parameter can prevent extinction.
References lectures/easter.ppt (this talk) lectures/easter.ppt (my chaos book) (contact me)