Internet 2. Written & presented by: Martina Blackwood.


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Presentation transcript:

Internet 2

Written & presented by: Martina Blackwood

Agenda What is Internet 2? What is the main focus of Internet 2? What is the future of Internet 2?

What is Internet 2? Internet 2 is much like the Internet that we are all familiar with except that improvements have been made to increase efficiency. The purpose of Internet 2 was to provide high speed access to digital images, video and audio in addition to text based material.

Continuation of what is Internet 2 This high speed network will eventually cover the United States and interconnect universities and research centers. Currently there are about 170 universities working with various sectors of industry and government. The expected transmission rate will be up to a gigabit per second which is about 1000 Mbps.

What is the main purpose of Internet 2? There are four main application areas that Internet 2 will address. The digital Library Learning ware Tele-immersion Virtual laboratories

The Digital Library The title digital library sums up the purpose of this electronic application. A digital library is an application that will electronically represent books, periodicals, papers, art, videos and music. A person accessing this digital library will be able to quickly retrieve any data through the use of a powerful query language. For example, music art and videos can quickly be located based on one or more descriptive keywords.

Learning Ware Learning ware is a distributed environment used for instruction and research. Learning ware will come with generic cross platform building materials and protocols that will allow the user to create effective learning tools. Some of the building blocks that will be included are two and three dimensional graphing templates, mathematical modeling templates,molecular modeling templates and other templates that are specific to a particular science.

Tele-Immersion Tele- immersion arguably the mist exciting aspect of Internet 2 will allow people from geographically diverse locations to communication in real time in a shared simulated environment. Since high powered interactive audio and visual equipment will be used it will be as if all of the users are in the same location. Some of the advanced technology that will be used is three dimensional environment scanning,and projective, tracking and display technologies.

Virtual Laboratories Virtual laboratories are realistic lab surroundings that will allow universities and other institutions to avoid the cost of building brick and mortar facilities. This virtual laboratory will allow users to to work on experiments that can not be done in real life such as atomic explosions. Virtual laboratory in conjunction with tele- immersion will allow people from all over the globe to work on the same project simultaneously

The future of Internet 2 Internet 2 is remarkable improvement over the internet that is used today. The creation of Internet 2 can be used not only in the advancement of university research but also in the medical field. With the use of tele-immersion specialist from around the world can assist in medical procedures and research. Such collaborations will greatly beenfit our society as continue to make strides in the world of medicine.

The end