LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 1 28 February 2014 M. Pezzetti EDMS Id: v.1
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 2 R2E LHC cold compressors Project Overview Actual status Next Steps A special THANKS to all the people concerned: ICL, R2E, RWG, EN/STI, EN/EL, EN/CV, TE/CRG…..
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 3 Last 09 April 2013 TE/TM meeting :
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 4 QURC R2E project overview: P4 high priority, to be done during LS1. ICL positioning validation P4 equipment inventory, very short time! ( ECR (edms ) driven by cryogenic but all group involved R2E/P4 Planning (w.r.t LS1 planning) EN/EL (DIC : 350 cables) Special cable magnet bearing assembly ( Magnet Bearing electronics MBC170 (prototype validated, ordered, production delivery March 2014) RadWG (new w.r.t TETM of april’13) valve positioner & I/O cards ( (ordered, in production delivery beginning April 2014) Cryo RF relocation (development, construction & installation May/June) AMB special cable FINAL length = 45 meters
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 5 Cryo cabinet relocation (Cable length 45m) [UX45 – level 2] QURC [8 cabinet QURC (AMB, Drive, local PLC & 45 SIPART positioner ] [US45 - level 1] QUI[1 cabinet (PROFIBUS & 20 SIPART positioner)] [UX45 – level 1] QURC a-b[2 cabinet (PLC, PROFIBUS)] [UX45 – level 0] Cryo RF[4 cabinet (PROFIBUS & 20 SIPART positioner)] TOTAL 15 cabinets to be redesign and relocated in UL44/46. R2E P4 relocation to be done in LS1
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics Preparation (cables & cabinets) ECR document, Integration activities EN/EL QURC QUIRF S34 CoolDown 07 S45 CoolDown 0809 CRYO maintenanceCRYO OP Re-commissioning New MECOS AMB final validation 20K Stand alone 50-60% torque R2E/P4 work PLANNING Intense co-activities period!!! Main tasks to be done: Preparation (cables & cabinets) until end of February EN/EL cabling campaign 01 March – 30 June Installation new magnetic bearing electronic mid-April final validation in May/June
EN Point 4 R2E project Schedule for LS17 Maria Barberan courtesy
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 8 Project organization (main tasks) Project coordination M. Pezzetti (TE-CRG) Dep.: B. Ivens (TE-CRG) R2E Project and coordination / planning M. Brugger (EN/STI) / AL Perrot (EN-MEF) LS1 scheduling M. Barberan Marin (EN-MEF) Technical coordinator B. Ivens (TE-CRG) EN/EL cabling JC. Guillame (EN- EL) Cabinet Design & Construction B. Ivens (TE-CRG) AMB Technical contact M. Pezzetti (TE-CRG) Cryo Operation L. Herblin (TE- CRG) Electronics experts J. Casas (TE-CRG) / F.Formenti (TE)
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 9 Main personnel resources Electrical work TE-CRG-CE: 1 staff (B. Ivens) + 4 FSU EN-EL CABLING: CEGELEC + 1 staff / 1 FSU Magnetic bearing elect.: being defined, estimated 1 engineer + 1 technician. Approx. 10 persons involved for the main tasks (during 3-4 months).
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 10 R2E P4 budget status (budget code 99547) TE/CRG cabling manufacturing 75 kCHF (old figures 50 kCHF) new! New AMB MECOS electronics (R&D + prod.) 150 kCHF (30 kCHF 2013 / 120 kCHF 2014) EN/EL cabling 250 kCHF, 2014 budget (to be validated by EN/EL) new! new SIPART 250 (Ph1 cabling (20 kCHF 2014)- Ph2 installation (230 kCHF 2015 or later) new! AMB Commissioning 20 kCHF/ 2014 budget new! RF + Others 100 kCHF (HW + FSU manpower) new! TOTAL ~800 kCHF To be compared R2E/P8 budget was 700 KCHF (without RF relocation). S. Claudet courtesy
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 11 QURC R2E project overview: P8 low priority, LS2. stand by, Ph1 : ICL (already done!) and EN/EL DIC identification w.r.t technical solution as equal to P4. Cold compressor Special cables (already bought!) 75 kCHF. R2E condition don’t change until LS2. P6 low-low priority, LS2. Stand by, preparation activities for Ph1 will start this years with ICL, P6 equipment inventory and DIC identification. R2E condition measurement in 2015/2016. P6 no R2E mitigation need. US85 level 0
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 12 Conclusion No show stopper identified. Integration P4-P8 approved, P4 equipment inventory done, ECR release (February), planning agreed with LS1 coordination, new magnetic bearing electronic prototype validated, special cables ready (10 March MECOS validation at CERN). P4 DIC (Demande Installation Cables) approved/scheduled by EN/EL. Next steps Cabling & installation (from March 2014 to end of June, no margin). Special cable fragile Close supervision during cabling campaign. Tight timeline & intense co-activities between cabling, cryo technical and maintenance. -> need a close technical supervision/coordination follow-up.
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 14 AMB key points EMC Cabling Connectors External & Redundant 48 VDC Power Supply AMB Advance technology (~10 years) Special cables CERN Diagnostic knowledge improved
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 15 P4 Relocation UL positions
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 16 R2E – QURC UX Relocation QURC-EMC1/4 (VFD & AMB electronics) SIPART positionners -> splitting positionner
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 17 R2E – QURC UX QURCA/B-EM01 CPU deja dans UL44 QUPC armoire (CB ) Cartes E/S schneider a extraire (blocks phoenix reste dans EM01) et creer une nouvelle armoire QURCA/B-EM02 PLC securite CCS a extraire et mettre dans la meme nouvelle armoire
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 18 R2E – QUICA UX QUICA-EM01 CPU deja dans UL44 QUPC armoire (CB ) Cartes E/S schneider a extraire (blocks phoenix reste dans EM01) et creer une nouvelle armoire QUICA-EM02 Link/couplers a extraire et mettre dans la meme nouvelle armoire SIPART positionneurs des vannes -> positionneurs deportee (tirroirs)
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 19 R2E – QYC03/4 UX45½ 19 Deplacer les tirroirs, les platines et les alims labo (chauffages) deplace de 2 racks actuelle vers 4 racks pour avoir plus de place disponible Les equipements sont mellange on va les spliter dans 2 distinct ensembles, gauche et droite.
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 20 First STEP: Fault Detector Design and Implementation Fault Models
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 21 P4 SEU Mitigation for valve positionner Controller Cross Section estimation
LSC - 28 February M. Pezzetti – Cryogenics 22 Cryo. equipment to be relocated Current location/name Future location/name Remark(s)DIC/#cable s/installati on order Cryo RF cavitiesUX45 level 0 QYC03-04 UL44/46 QYC01-02 Full relocationNOK/52 priority: 4 QURC cold compressors UX45 level 2 QURCA-EMC QURCB-EMC UL44/46 QURCA-EMC QURCB-EMC Full relocationQURCA: OK/93 Priority: 2 QURCB: OK/93 Priority: 3 cold box 1.8 KUX45 level 1 QURCA-EM01 QURCB-EM01 UL44/46 QURCA-EM02 QURCB-EM02 Part of eqpt to be relocated (DP/PA link coupler, power controllers for electrical heaters) valves positioners SIPART UL44 QURC-QUI EM03 Included in QURC/QUI DIC QUI (cryo. Distrib. Box 4.5 K) UX45 level 0 QUICA-EM01 valves positioners UL44 QUICA EM02 QURC-QUI EM03 Part of eqpt to be relocated (profibus link, coupler and I/O schneider card) OK/76 Priority: 1 3