Welcome to week 1! ~~ Agenda ~~ Course introduction. Topics related to your career! Kaplan resources.
"That's depends a good deal on where you want to get to."... (Alice in Wonderland, Chapter VI, P 64; Carroll, 1960) Your Syllabus is arguably the most important document in this course! The syllabus for Career Development Strategies is a contract between you and your professor that explains clear goals and expectations and is designed to help you succeed in the course. Instructor’s name, address, AIM contact information and office hours. Course Materials Course Outline and Learning Activities Grading Criteria Course Policies Projects and Discussion Rubrics Late Project Policy and Late Discussion Policy Attendance/Tardiness Policy Plagiarism Policy
What is Career Development Strategies??? This course will assist you in creating career development strategies and goals. – For job changes (changing company or internal postings) You will explore and assess your understanding of yourself in the work place, identify organizational cultures and determine your personal fit, and learn about managing and embracing change, and networking. You will create a career development portfolio that contains organizational research, job-search documents, interview and follow up skills.
At the end of the course… What will I know that I don’t know now? By the end of this course, you should be able to: – Identify your skill set – Compare your current skill set to that required for careers in your chosen profession – Compile a career development portfolio – Develop interview strategy – Create a career development plan But the most important things you will have are: -Effective Resume -A cover letter that can work for all job applications -Interview tips and hints to make you stand out in the interview process
Grading Criteria Your final grade is based on 1000 points. Projects (Units 3, 4, 8) 100 points each. (300 Total) Project (Unit 6) 140 points. Final (Unit 9) 200 points. Discussion (Each Unit) 40 points each. (360 Total)
Projects and Project Rubrics There are 4 projects and the Final Project. – The final project is “cumulative” – prior projects comprise the final CDP (pay close attention to corrections and suggestions for improvement!) The Project Rubrics are used to evaluate each project. – Review the Rubric before you start your project and BEFORE you turn in your work.
Preview of the Final Project In the Final Project, you will submit a Career Development Portfolio (CDP). The projects assigned within the units will be documents included in the CDP. Use the checklist (provided in unit 1) as the cover sheet for your Final Project and to insure that all required documents are being submitted.
Late Project Policy and Late Discussion Policy Projects Extenuating circumstances – discuss with your instructor Without extenuating circumstances – projects accepted with the following deductions: ▪ 7% for first week with additional 5% for each subsequent week (not to exceed 27%). ▪ Discussion Boards ▪ Late postings result in 5 point penalty for each day they are late up to 20 points.
Discussions How can you earn an A?! Responses are on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion Responses make frequent, informed references to Unit material Responses are clearly written Responses meet posted length requirements of ~100 words Responses are clearly written with NO grammatical and/or spelling errors Two or more responses per unit to classmates that are thoughtful and advance the discussion
Discussions Please note you will want to consider the following when making your discussion board posts: 1.) The substantial nature of the post. Does the post add value and advance the discussion? Consider using information from the reading, your experiences, information you have read online etc. Be sure to expand on your responses so your peers and I have a clear grasp of what you are stating. 2.) Frequency – Are the posts made throughout the week? Please do not post on one day only as this does not allow for development of our discussion. Consider posting toward the beginning, middle and end of the week. Posting over the course of the week allows for discussion advancement and allows you to benefit fully from the discussion. Please note these need to be substantial, as outlined above. It is important to note these are the minimum expectations.
Question? What is the difference between a career and a job?
Which do you have now...and where do you want to be? Job - a specific duty, role, or function Career - a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling Profession - a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation
Questions?! What has your career path been? How does your career path relate to your degree? What considerations have there been in relation to your career?
Managing your career is a lifelong process! To be successful in managing your career, you will need to be proactive, resourceful, and self-aware.
What Can I Offer? Knowledge – Skills – Ability -What do I already know? -Can I articulate my skill-set? -Am I able to apply to my ideal job right now if the opportunity arises?
Where Do I Want to Be? -List Your KSAO’s (Short-term): -Knowledge -Skills -Abilities -Other unique characteristics - List Your KSAO’s (Long-Term – what do I need to improve upon? )
How Do I Make It Happen? -Complete education -Degree -Certifications -Update Resume -Hone interview skills
Kaplan Resources University Info section within your KU Homepage Select Career Resources
Several resource options. Relevant information related to the Career Services Office.
Pod Casts Information!
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