Fluor K132 (Santos) Contract – Dawson’s Bend Road AustStab Awards of Excellence 2013 FK Gardner & Sons Pty Ltd Innovation or Excellence in Sustainability in Pavement Stabilisation Sponsored by
The Project Part of Santos’ $18.5 billion GLNG CSG venture Consists of new roads and upgrades to existing roads at the Fairview gas fields Dawson’s Bend is a 17km long critical road at the heart of the gas field required to provide access for the installation of infrastructure
The Problem Local quarry, Burnt Gully, was no longer able to provide the required CBR 35 material Another quarry 70km away was determined as a potential new source of material The material would require crushing and transport to the site at significant cost to the client
The Solution FKG undertook laboratory testing on Burnt Gully material of CBR 10 mixed with cement Results showed that a 1% cement modification could provide in excess of CBR 45 This would result in a shortened programme and reduced cost
The Outcome The solution saved the client in excess of $1 million over the life of the project It meant fewer trucks on the road and a reduced carbon footprint FKG conducted FWD testing and determined a 20+ year design life FKG delivered value for money and a more sustainable result