Phonics Phase 4
Week 1
Can you read the words below? wentmilk helplamp camptent giftsink
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Can you read the sentence below? The bank was shut.
Can you read the words below? bestwent humpfelt bankgulp dent
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Let’s have a go at writing a sentence. __________________________
Can you read the words below? tilt lift tuft damp
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Can you read the sentences below? Can you spot which word changes each time? The man burnt the toast. The girl burnt the toast. The girl burnt the towel. The girl brings the towel.
Can you read the sentence below? Milk is good for children’s teeth.
Can you read the words below? champ bench tenth thank
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Let’s have a go at writing a sentence. __________________________
Can you read the words below? paintroast beast shelf chimptoast champ
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Can you read the question below? Did he shock the man?
Week 2
Can you read the words below? stopspot frogtwin sniffplum groan
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Can you read the sentence below? The clown did tricks with a chimpanzee.
Can you read the words below? speck green freshsteep flagspear spoilspoon
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Let’s have a go at writing a sentence. __________________________
Can you read the words below? flair trail cream crown
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Can you read the sentences below? Can you spot which word changes each time? The frog swam across the pond. The dog swam across the pond. The dog swam across the pool. The cat swam across the pool.
Can you read the sentence below? The frog jumps in the pond and swims off.
Can you read the words below? clear train swing droop
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Let’s have a go at writing a sentence. __________________________
Can you read the words below? smearthrill floatingstop traintree swimclown
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Can you read the sentence below? He was glad.
Week 3
Can you read the words below? stand crisp trend twist brandfrost
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Can you read the sentence below? I can hear the twigs snapping in the wind.
Can you read the words below? blendstunt crustdrift sleepskunk
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Let’s have a go at writing a sentence. __________________________
Can you read the words below? drank blank trunk
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Can you read the sentences below? Can you spot which word changes each time? Fred has spent lots of cash this year. Fred has lost lots of cash this year. Fred has lent lots of cash this year. Fred has lent lots of bricks this year.
Can you read the sentence below? It is fun to camp in a tent.
Can you read the words below? string scrap street
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Let’s have a go at writing a sentence. __________________________
Can you read the words below? drowndrink stinkstring crisp
Can you sound out and write words in your phoneme frame?
Can you read the word below? Thank you
Week 4
Let’s practise reading some two-syllable words. Read the word each side then put the words together!! sham gift pond hand poo box weed stand
Can you write some two-syllable words in your phoneme frame?
Can you read the question below? Are you afraid of thunderstorms?
Let’s practise reading some two-syllable words. Read the word each side then put the words together!! soft lunch chim champ est box panzee ion
Can you write some two-syllable words in your phoneme frame?
Let’s have a go at writing a sentence. __________________________
Let’s practise reading some two-syllable words. Read the word each side then put the words together!! float gift ing bag
Can you read the sentences below? Can you spot which word changes each time? Fran took a scarf as a gift from Brad. Fran took a scarf as a present from Brad. Fran sent a scarf as a present from Brad.
Can you write some two-syllable words in your phoneme frame?
Can you read the question below? Can crabs clap hands?
Let’s practise reading some two-syllable words. Read the word each side then put the words together!! sham lunch help pooing box desk
Can you write some two-syllable words in your phoneme frame?
Let’s have a go at writing a sentence. __________________________
Let’s practise reading some two-syllable words. Read the word each side then put the words together!! drink thank sand ing you wich pit
Can you write some two-syllable words in your phoneme frame?
Can you read the question below? Is the moon green?
Week 5 Consolidation
Week 5 Assessment